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Darius Sinathrya's Father Begins to Show Positive Responses After Critical Period

Darius Sinathrya's Father Begins to Show Positive Responses After Critical Period Darius Sinathrya © - Exciting news comes from actor Darius Sinathrya regarding his father's condition, which is slowly showing improvement after being in a critical state. Although he is not yet able to communicate fully, his father is starting to show positive responses.

"For communication, it's still not there, but he can respond. He can nod and make eye contact, which he couldn't do at all before," Darius said when met in the Senayan area of Central Jakarta on Monday (3/3/2025).

Darius explained that his father is still undergoing recovery with therapy as an important part of improving his condition. He hopes these steps can accelerate the healing process.

"According to the doctor, there needs to be therapy. So, he is starting to be active now, but the process is indeed long," he explained.

1. The Long Recovery Process and Necessary Therapy

One of the things that keeps the family motivated is the father's request to come home soon. The father's habit of traveling keeps him motivated to recover quickly.

"Dad loves to go out, meet people, see many things. That's what we are here to encourage, come on, grandpa, stay strong so you can go home soon," said Darius.

Although he still needs intensive care, the father can now respond physically, something he could not do during the critical period. This brings great hope for the family.

"Seeing him starting to be active again is really motivating for us. The prayers from friends and family are very helpful," he said.

2. Family Support and Strong Will to Live

Darius also revealed that his father's habit of having a high spirit in living life is one of the important factors in the recovery process. "It turns out it might be inherited from dad. Even being that sick, he still has the spirit and wants to fight to get better," he said.

Support from family, prayers, and the best medical care are the keys to his father's recovery. Darius hopes his father can return home soon and continue his usual activities.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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