The Holy Month of Ramadan Brings Many Jobs, Aldi Taher is Criticized by His Daughter
This Ramadan has become a blessing for Aldi Taher, a versatile artist who is overwhelmed with job offers, yet still balances work and worship. - A warm and laughter-filled atmosphere was present when Azka Corbuzier chatted with Habib Jafar and it was uploaded on Azka Corbuzier's YouTube channel. The two of them discussed many things, and in the middle of the conversation, Habib Jafar gave Azka a sarong.
"Hey, I have a gift for you, this is a sarong," said Habib Jafar.
"I've never worn one, what do I do?," said Azka.
"Just try it on," added Habib Jafar.
When Habib Jafar helped Azka put on the sarong, Azka jokingly said, "If I wear it, I won't log in, right?".
Habib Jafar and Azka Corbuzier © YouTube/Azka Corbuzier
In response to Azka's remark, Habib Jafar casually responded, adding warmth to the atmosphere. "No, no," replied Habib Jafar.
"This is a traditional Indonesian outfit that has become synonymous with the santri community. What's interesting about this is that it symbolizes flexibility. This sarong can be worn by both women and men. Its size can also fit anyone. And its movement is also flexible," explained Habib Jafar.
Azka also discussed his beliefs, which are now different from his father's. It is known that Azka embraces Catholicism, while Deddy converted to Islam a few years ago.
"After dad converted, it seems like everyone in the comments on my DM wants me to convert too," said Azka on his personal Instagram page. He is worried that Deddy will bear sin if his child does not share the same religion as him,
"If I don't log in, Dad won't sin, right?" asked Azka.
"Dad doesn't (sin), what's important is that dad has taught me both verbally and through behavior, that I choose Islam and why," explained Habib Ja'far.
"No. The principle is that every person is a leader. This means that we are created free by God, and we will be held accountable for the sovereignty that God has given us. So no one bears the sins of others. The Quran states that every sin will be borne by each person who commits it. Except for the sin of charity," Habib added.
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