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Mak Vera, Former Manager of Olga Syahputra, Will Take Legal Action Against Those Trying to Defame Her

Mak Vera, Former Manager of Olga Syahputra, Will Take Legal Action Against Those Trying to Defame Her Mak Vera and her legal team are ready to fight against the spreaders of hoaxes (Photo Credit: KapanLagi/Bayu Herdianto) - Mak Vera, the former manager of the late Olga Syahputra, suddenly became the center of attention. She is currently taking legal action against her former working partner who is said to be trying to defame her.

Unfortunately, Mak Vera refused to explicitly mention who the person in question is. However, she believes that this action was carried out by someone who wants to ruin her reputation.

"In the entertainment industry, they want to rise but first they badmouth others using my name, Mak Vera. They do this so that nobody wants to join my management. But look at my artists, they all have jobs," said Mak Vera when met in the Kebon Jeruk area, West Jakarta, on Sunday (31/12/2023).

1. Mak Vera Introduces Her Legal Team

Mak Vera then introduced her legal team who will handle her case and any future issues involving her.

"Let me introduce you to Ferry Kilikily, now whoever messes with Mak, we have a lawyer," she explained.

Mak Vera's legal advisor also suggested the need for legality to minimize future problems. "Bang Jo said, just legalize it. So we can handle anything that defames Mak," said Mak Vera.

2. Mak Vera Becomes a Victim of Hoax News

Mak Vera's legal representative, Ferry Kilikily, stated that he will defend his client if anyone crosses the line.

"Together with Mak Vera, people can't act arbitrarily," he emphasized.

Another member of Mak Vera's legal team, Junaedi, expressed support for his client who is said to be a victim of hoax news.

"Because of continuous hoax news, other old artists defame what Mak has conveyed. Here, we cooperate with Ferry Kilikily SH law firm to handle the issues concerning Mak," said Junaedi.

3. One Legal Case is Ongoing

Currently, one of Mak Vera's legal cases against someone she used to work with is in progress.

"One of the cases is still ongoing. We are represented by CMA management, which has a collaboration with a law firm. So if there are any issues regarding the ITE law in the future, we will handle it," she concluded.

As known, Mak Vera is known as the owner of an artist management company that has successfully raised the names of her talents. Some artists who have been under Mak Vera's management include Olga Syahputra, Chand Kelvin, and Tarra Budiman.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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8 Portraits of Pamela Bowie, Pregnant at 3 Months - Often Nauseous from Morning to Noon

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