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Make Your Own Decorations, Here are 11 Pictures of Lakeisha's Simple Birthday Celebration, Arumi Bachsin's Daughter

Make Your Own Decorations, Here are 11 Pictures of Lakeisha's Simple Birthday Celebration, Arumi Bachsin's Daughter


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Make Your Own Decorations, Here are 11 Pictures of Lakeisha's Simple Birthday Celebration, Arumi Bachsin's Daughter

The 14th of April is a happy day for Arumi Bachsin and Emil Dardak. Yes, on that exact date, their eldest daughter, Lakeisha Ariestia Dardak, celebrates her 7th birthday.

Unlike previous years, Keisha's birthday celebration is far from luxurious. What is it like? Check it out here!


On this special day, Arumi Bachsin herself made the decorations for her daughter's birthday.


Assisted by her younger sibling and also her assistant, Arumi prepared many things to make Lakeisha's birthday party festive.


Not to be outdone, her husband, Emil Dardak, also helped to finish quickly.


Approaching evening, they started to hurry to finish the decoration.


Well, this is the decoration resulting from Arumi Bachsin's work and others.


Although not as festive as before, Arumi hopes that the party she prepared with her family can make her daughter happy.


And indeed, Keisha was very enthusiastic and happy when she saw the decoration and her birthday cake.


Before starting, she also heard virtual birthday greetings from her friends.


The event continued with blowing candles together.


After blowing the candles, Keisha opened presents from her father, mother, and other family members.


This beautiful girl's birthday event was concluded with a gathering at Emil Dardak's official residence. Happy birthday, Keisha.