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Married in Bali, Here are 8 Photos of Gautam Nain, Indian Actor Who Married Indonesian TV Crew

Married in Bali, Here are 8 Photos of Gautam Nain, Indian Actor Who Married Indonesian TV Crew Gautam Nain, an Indian artist who married an Indonesian woman (credit: (credit: instagram/gautam_nain_official) - Indian actor, Gautam Nain came to Indonesia. Gautam Nain's arrival immediately became the center of attention. This is because Gautam is known to have married an Indonesian woman named Soffie.

Many are curious about Gautam Nain's figure. Moreover, Gautam Naim's figure, who has a career in his country, is rarely highlighted in Indonesia. KLovers, are you also curious about Gautam Nain's figure?

Instead of getting more curious, let's take a look at some of his pictures below.


1. Married to a Television Crew Member

Gautam Nain married a beautiful woman named Soffie. Before marrying Gautam Nain, Soffie was known to work as a television crew member. This made many curious about the story of Gautam Naim and Soffie's meeting.


2. Married in Bali

Gautam Nain and Soffie's wedding was actually held in Indonesia, precisely on the Island of the Gods. Gautam and Soffie got married on Thursday (10/12/2020) last week. Since then, the couple's household has been very harmonious and far from scandalous news.


3. Coming to Indonesia

Gautam Nain has a career as an actor in India. However, currently, Gautam is known to be coming to Indonesia to participate in an event. Not alone, Gautam came with other Indian artists, one of whom is Tinna Datta.


4. Wife is Pregnant

Gautam Nain and Soffie have been married for over a year. Now, Soffie is known to be heavily pregnant. In one photo, Gautam is seen accompanying his pregnant wife while taking a picture with dangdut singer, Ayu Ting Ting.


5. Handsome Face

For some people, Gautam Nain may still be unfamiliar. However, Gautam has a handsome face that may already be quite familiar. This is because Gautam's handsome face often appears in Indian serials that are broadcast in Indonesia.

6. Athletic Body

Not only does Gautam Nain have a handsome face, but he also has a strong and athletic body posture. Apparently, he obtained this body posture through his exercise habits. On his personal Instagram account, Gautam often shows moments when he is exercising.

7. Macho Appearance

Gautam Nain has a handsome face with a strong jawline that makes him look macho. His strong and athletic body posture also adds to the macho impression of the Indian actor who stars in the serial CHANDRA NANDINI.

8. Familiar with Indonesian Celebrities

Having a wife who works as a television station crew seems to have introduced Gautam Nain to some of the local celebrities. Not only did he get to know them, but also appeared to be very familiar with some of them. From Ayu Ting Ting to Raffi Ahmad, they all seem to be close to Gautam Nain.

Those are some of the portraits of Gautam Nain, an Indian actor who married a television station crew in Indonesia. Let's pray that their marriage will last and be full of happiness, KLovers!



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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