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Meaning of Krisdayanti for Aurel and Azriel Hermansyah, Still Respected Even Though Not Close

Meaning of Krisdayanti for Aurel and Azriel Hermansyah, Still Respected Even Though Not Close Azriel, Aurel, Krisdayanti © Special - Aurel Hermansyah and Azriel are two children born from the marriage of Anang Hermansyah and Krisdayanti. Anang and KD are already divorced and have remarried and have children from their second marriages. Aurel and Azriel themselves now live with Anang and their stepmother, Ashanty.

Aurel and Azriel have just answered questions from netizens through their family's Youtube channel, The Hermansyah A6. They also received questions from netizens about KD.

One of the questions they received: What is the meaning of Mimi KD in Aurel and Azriel's life? Here are their answers.

1. Valuable

Both of them took a moment to think before answering the question. Azriel then whispered that Mimi (their affectionate nickname for KD) is the person who gave birth to both of them.

"Her name is mother, the one who gave birth to us, if it weren't for Mimi, we wouldn't be here. Of course, she is valuable to us," Aurel replied with a sweet smile at the end.

2. Always Respectful

Azriel then said that he is grateful to Krisdayanti for giving birth to both of them. Aurel also emphasized once again that there would be no him and his sibling without their mother.

"Yes, we always respect Mimi. Bunda (Ashanty) always teaches us to always respect Mimi, no matter what happens," concluded Azriel.

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