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9 Unique and Meaningful Names of Celebrity Children, Noah Sinclair - Rafathar Malik Ahmad

9 Unique and Meaningful Names of Celebrity Children, Noah Sinclair - Rafathar Malik Ahmad

Celebrity Children

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9 Unique and Meaningful Names of Celebrity Children, Noah Sinclair - Rafathar Malik Ahmad

Giving a name to a child is certainly a special thing for parents. These celebrities also felt this when their children were born. It's like a name is a prayer for the child's life. But on the other hand, a name can also be a characteristic for someone. Want to know the list of unique and meaningful names of celebrity children? Take a look at the following list.


Alinea Ava Nasution is the child of Raditya Dika and Anissa Aziza. The meaning of the name Alinea is a collection of ideas and Ava comes from Greek which means woman.


Ayudia and Ditto admit that the name Dia Sekala Bumi is their own idea. Dia is a combination of Ditto and Ayudia, Sekala means visible and Bumi means earth.


Gempita Noura is the name of the child of the couple Gading Martin and Gisella Anastasia. Gempita means pleasant, while Noura means respected person.

9 Unique and Meaningful Names of Celebrity Children, Noah Sinclair - Rafathar Malik Ahmad

Rachel Vennya explained that the name Xabi comes from the favorite legendary player of her father, Niko, from Liverpool. Biru means the color of the sky & sea, and Oshe means ocean. Al-Hakim is taken from Asmaul Husna, which means wisdom.

9 Unique and Meaningful Names of Celebrity Children, Noah Sinclair - Rafathar Malik Ahmad

Ringgo admits that the name Bjorka was taken from his idol named Bjork. Ringgo and Sabai hope that their child can be as free and independent as the singer Army of Me.

9 Unique and Meaningful Names of Celebrity Children, Noah Sinclair - Rafathar Malik Ahmad

Anang and Ashanty named their child Arsy Adara Musisia Nurhermansyah. Arsy means throne. Adara means beauty. Musisia clearly means musician and Nurhermansyah is Anang's (light) Nur.


Mainaka Zanatti Bakrie is the second child of Nia Ramadhani and Ardie Bakrie. Mainaka is one of the myths mountain by the golden heart, a mountain with a good heart. Meanwhile, Zanatti is taken from the name of his grandparents.

9 Unique and Meaningful Names of Celebrity Children, Noah Sinclair - Rafathar Malik Ahmad

Rafathar Malik Ahmad is the child of Raffi Ahmad and Nagita Slavina. The name Rafathar is taken from the Arabic language which means the first elevated male child. Malik means ruler and Ahmad is the family name.


Ashraf Sinclair and Bunga Citra Lestari revealed that Noah is another name for Prophet Nuh AS. This name means tranquility, while the name Sinclair is taken from the father's family name.