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Not Raisa or Baby Zalina, Apparently This is the 'Love of My Life' Figure from Hamish Daud

Not Raisa or Baby Zalina, Apparently This is the 'Love of My Life' Figure from Hamish Daud Hamish Daud - Raisa - Baby Zalina. Credit: via taken on 6/3/2020 at 18.14 - Handsome actor Hamish Daud is now living his days happily. How could he not, with his wife Raisa, they have been blessed with a child named Zalina.

Although not often shown, we have been presented with sweet moments between Hamish Daud and Raisa and Zalina a few times.

However, it turns out that the love of my life is not Raisa or Zalina. Recently, Hamish Daud revealed this, curious?

1. Hamish's Post

On Thursday (5/3) yesterday, Hamish uploaded several short videos while he was enjoying his journey to the beach for surfing.

In one of his Instagram Story posts, Hamish showed off his favorite food, which is grilled pete. In fact, he revealed that it is his love of my life (as seen from the emoticon sticker he used).

2. Family Love

Although grilled pete is his love of my life, it doesn't mean that Hamish will immediately turn away. He compares the food to be the thing he likes the most in the world.

However, of course, his family, namely Raisa and Baby Zalina, are the most important people to the handsome actor.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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