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Millen Cyrus Arrested Again for Drug Case in South Jakarta, Tested Positive for Benzo

Millen Cyrus Arrested Again for Drug Case in South Jakarta, Tested Positive for Benzo Millen Cyrus (credit: instagram/millencyrus) - In the midst of various cases that have emerged during the Covid-19 pandemic, drug cases have also occasionally colored the scene. This time, celebrity influencer Millen Cyrus was once again arrested by the police for this case.

This was confirmed by the Head of Public Relations of the Jakarta Metro Police, Commissioner Yusri Yunus, when contacted by on Sunday (28/2). According to him, Millen tested positive for Benzo.


1. Together with 3 Friends

"I can confirm that Millen Cyrus was apprehended along with 3 of his friends at a cafe and tested positive for Benzo," explained Yusri.

Previously, it was known that Millen was apprehended when the police conducted urine and swab antigen tests during a health protocol raid held at Bar Brotherhood Gunawarman, Kebayoran Baru - South Jakarta.


2. Positive Benzo

"From this place, we checked a celebrity with the initials MC and their friend who tested positive for Benzo," said Director of Narcotics Investigation of the Jakarta Metro Police, Commissioner Pol Mukti Juharsa, after the raid on Sunday (28/2) early morning on


3. Previously Arrested

Previously, Millen had been arrested for a drug case in November 2020.

"We seized one package of methamphetamine," said the Tanjung Priok Port Police Chief, AKBP Ahrie Sonta, as quoted from detikcom, on Sunday (22/11/2020).


4. Evidence Found

In addition to the methamphetamine package, the police also seized other evidence from the location. According to AKBP Ahrie Sonta, his team also found a bong or methamphetamine smoking device at the location.

"We also seized one bong or methamphetamine smoking device as evidence," said AKBP Ahrie in November 2020.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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