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Momo Geisha Holds Rapid Test for All Guests at Her Birthday Party, Flooded with Netizens' Criticisms

Momo Geisha Holds Rapid Test for All Guests at Her Birthday Party, Flooded with Netizens' Criticisms Momo © instagram/therealmomogeisha - When celebrating her 34th birthday recently, Momo conducted rapid tests for all invited guests. She also tested the villa's family staff and event performers.

Momo made sure that everyone attending her joyful event was free from the corona virus. This way, not only she and her family were safe, but also the guests after the party ended.


1. Netizens Criticize

However, Momo's efforts to ensure that everyone attending her party undergoes a rapid test instead received criticism from netizens. When this birthday photo went viral, Momo received a flood of harsh comments.

Many people believe that Momo should not have held a birthday party in the midst of this pandemic. Why force it and potentially cause health problems for others?

Although the cost of the rapid test was not charged to the guests, Momo's actions were considered unwise. Despite the small number of invited guests, the expensive rapid test kits were deemed better off given to the community who are at risk rather than for partying.

2. Momo Does Not Respond

However, Momo did not respond to all the criticism that appeared on social media. She also did not provide any clarification regarding the rapid test she conducted on her birthday.

In her Instagram post, Momo only emphasized that the party was held in a simple manner. She invited a few family members and two pastors who led the worship service together.

In addition, there were also several crew members from her family's villa located in Malang. And several musicians who were responsible for providing entertainment.

Will Momo provide further clarification on this matter? As of the time this news was published, is still trying to contact this former Geisha vocalist to obtain further information.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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