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More Fortunes, Dinar Candy Sacrifices 3 Cows - Spends Hundreds of Millions of Rupiah

More Fortunes, Dinar Candy Sacrifices 3 Cows - Spends Hundreds of Millions of Rupiah Dinar Candy: Eka Permana - Dinar Candy admits to receiving more fortunes. As an expression of gratitude, she bought more sacrificial animals for Eid al-Adha compared to last year.

"Last year, I also received fortunes, but I could only afford one. This year, I bought three. Alhamdulillah, there is progress in terms of the economy," said Dinar Candy in the Cipondoh area, Tangerang, on Monday (26/6/2023).

The three cows she bought were not just for her. She also intended to sacrifice them for her extended family who have supported and prayed for her success.
"Yes, I also intended this for my extended family who have supported and prayed for me," said Dinar.

To buy three cows, Dinar had to spend around Rp 180 million.


1. Digging Hundreds of Millions

To buy three cows, Dinar had to dig around Rp 180 million.

"Here the price range is 30-60 million. I choose the one that weighs around 580 kilograms. One cow costs around 55-60 million. So if three, it's around 180 million," said Dinar.

The woman who works as a disk jockey and also a singer said that the sacrificial animals she bought would later be taken to her hometown in Cianjur, West Java.

"Every Eid al-Adha, I want to share with family, people in the village, people who are close to me in my childhood," she said.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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