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More Graceful, Here’s a Photo of Ariel Tatum During Her Classical Dance Practice in Yogyakarta Style

More Graceful, Here’s a Photo of Ariel Tatum During Her Classical Dance Practice in Yogyakarta Style Photo of Ariel Tatum During Classical Dance Practice (Credit: Instagram/arieltatum) - Multitalented actress Ariel Tatum once again captivates fans with her charm during her classical dance practice in Yogyakarta style. In several recent posts, Ariel looks elegant wearing a jarik cloth while dancing with soft and graceful movements.

Through her Instagram Story, Ariel Tatum referred to the practice moment as a form of dynamic meditation as well as a toning workout. This practice also adds to the evidence of her love for traditional arts.

So, what does the photo of Ariel Tatum look like during her classical dance practice in Yogyakarta style? Check out the complete information below.

1. Portrait of Ariel Tatum

Ariel Tatum once again draws attention with her extraordinary artistic talent. This time, she shared moments while practicing traditional dance. Through a caption on her Instagram Story, Ariel is practicing at Salihara, one of the art communities in Jakarta.

2. Classical Dance Practice of Yogyakarta Princess Style

Known as an actress with a great love for Indonesian culture, Ariel seems to really enjoy this practice process. Ariel also mentioned the Sari Kusumo gamelan, which is one of the musical accompaniments for the various dances typical of the Mataraman Yogyakarta princess.

"Today's work brought my favorite fabric to dance at Salihara. The Sari Kusumo gamelan immediately echoed in my mind, and it feels like my feet are cramping." Wrote Ariel Tatum.

3. More Graceful

Every movement made by Ariel looks increasingly perfect as the practice goes on. Not alone, Ariel Tatum appears to be accompanied by a professional coach who occasionally corrects her posture and movement details. Her dance looks so graceful, right, KLovers!

4. Wearing Jarik Fabric

Ariel Tatum is wearing jarik fabric wrapped around the lower part of her body. She pairs it with a black tank top, making her look relaxed for practice. The combination of the jarik with a simple top makes her look elegant.

5. Calm and Very Graceful Movements

The classical dance of Yogyakarta has a characteristic of calm, graceful, and full of softness movements. This is clearly evident in every movement of Ariel, which is so controlled and smooth. From the slow hand movements to the careful foot steps, everything reflects the beauty that is characteristic of this dance.

6. Referred to as Dynamic Meditation

In her post, Ariel mentioned that this dance practice is a form of dynamic meditation. This is not without reason, as the movements performed in this dance indeed require focus and calmness, similar to meditation practices.

"20 minutes of dynamic meditation bonus toning workout lol" wrote Ariel Tatum.

7. Previously Performed Jaipong

This is not the first time Ariel has shown her love for traditional dance. Previously, she also performed in a Jaipong dance show alongside senior actress Happy Salma. This experience further proves that Ariel has a deep interest in Indonesian culture and continues to strive to learn it more seriously.

Well, those are a series of portraits of Ariel Tatum during her classical dance practice in the Yogyakarta princess style. Let's start following news about other celebrity activities, KLovers! If not now, when?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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