Sintya Marisca Performs Umrah with Family, Wants to be Praised for Beauty but Ends Up with a Soccer Juggling Act
Sintya Marisca departs for umrah with her family, but instead appears exciting with her soccer juggling. - The divorce hearing between Baim Wong and Paula Verhoeven resumed at the South Jakarta Religious Court on Tuesday (5/3/2025). In this session, Paula's side presented a factual witness to support the court materials.
"So earlier in the hearing, we presented a factual witness. We cannot disclose what the factual witness stated as it pertains to the court materials," said Alvon Kurnia Palma, Paula's legal counsel, when met after the hearing.
Alvon also highlighted the importance of the validity of electronic evidence in court. In addition, he mentioned that evidence in court must go through certain processes before it can be used as a basis for decision-making.
"Electronic evidence must be credible, must be authentic. If not, it is not valid and cannot be considered in the court process," explained Alvon.
"From the evidence, it becomes proof, from there arises arguments and conclusions. We build this not from mere words, but from credible evidence," he asserted.
When asked about the alleged domestic violence in Paula and Baim's marriage, Alvon was reluctant to comment. In addition, Alvon denied the rumors that Paula cried when leaving the courtroom.
"I won't answer that because there are court materials. This is a closed trial to provide privacy for each party," he said.
"There was no crying. Who said she cried? That's not true; her eyes were just watery," Alvon asserted.
The next hearing will continue next week with the agenda of hearing other factual witnesses.
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Sintya Marisca departs for umrah with her family, but instead appears exciting with her soccer juggling.
Paula's lawyer explained that this hearing proceeded as usual, with a question-and-answer process between both parties.
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