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The Mischief of Artists During School, Some Even Played Around with the Electric Substation - Immediately Got Karma and Ended Up in a Wheelchair for 2 Months

The Mischief of Artists During School, Some Even Played Around with the Electric Substation - Immediately Got Karma and Ended Up in a Wheelchair for 2 Months

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The Mischief of Artists During School, Some Even Played Around with the Electric Substation - Immediately Got Karma and Ended Up in a Wheelchair for 2 Months

The school years are always unforgettable memories. Filled with various stories, from mischief to fun times with friends. For some, school is not just a place to gain knowledge but also an adventure filled with laughter, teacher punishments, and mischievous moments. All of it feels sweet when reminisced.

This series of celebrities also has various memories from school. Some admitted to being so naughty that they once turned off the school's electric substation. Others were just as mischievous yet still excelled. Who are they? What are their stories of mischief in school? Let's take a closer look!


"Achieving in the field of sports. Yes, achieving because I used to be the volleyball captain, then I participated in the long jump championship. But if being naughty, no. I am actually an introverted, shy person," explained Dara The Virgin in her interview with KapanLagi.


“I used to be curious, what happens when the school's electric gate goes off? So the teacher is explaining a project, and then the electricity goes off by itself. So, the students take a break. Until finally, the CCTV revealed it, I was caught on camera,” Nyoman Paul told KapanLagi.


In an interview with KapanLagi, Luna Maya admitted that she was quite accomplished during elementary school. In middle school, she even brought her school to victory in basketball. However, she also got reprimanded by a teacher during Physics class. “I fought with my friend during Physics class, but it was a playful fight in class. The teacher was explaining and we were fighting with wooden ruler swords, running up and down the school, chasing each other,” she explained.


“In elementary and middle school, I was accomplished and naughty. In high school, just naughty. I was class champion, class president, and I once led a ceremony. I was absent for a few months due to an accident but still ranked, cool right?” said Morgan Oey to KapanLagi.  


“Naughty! I am naughty. My achievement is causing trouble, hahaha. I was a student who liked sports, so most of my achievements were in extracurricular activities. I represented the school in basketball and soccer matches. The worst was when one of the students' fathers brought a machete to me because of a fight,” Darius revealed to KapanLagi.


Mitha The Virgin admitted that she used to be a naughty student in school. She often skipped English classes. Nevertheless, she was also an achiever in non-academic fields. “But I also won in sports, pencak silat,” she said to KapanLagi.


“I was once expelled because I was naughty in class. I didn't bring my book. I brought the Monday schedule book all the way until Saturday. That was in elementary school,” Rony Parulian recounted during his visit to KapanLagi.


Valerie Thomas apparently once skipped school until Jeremy Thomas was called to the school. At that time, Valerie immediately acted up and was arrogant towards her teacher. Interestingly, not long after, she faced karma. “After being called by the teacher, I was walking next to the teacher and suddenly fell from the stairs. I hit my spine, and after that, I went to school in a wheelchair for 2 months. Biggest karma,” she said.


Through the Daniel Mananta Network YouTube channel, Ammar Zoni revealed his naughty behavior during school. "I was rebellious, I frequently changed schools. In total, from elementary school to high school, I changed schools about 15 times," he said. In short, Ammar then lived with his grandparents in Padang. He was then introduced to the world of martial arts by his grandfather. Since then, he trained in martial arts until he participated in regional championships in Malaysia and Brunei.


The naughty teenage years were also experienced by Dede Sunandar. He was even expelled from school. In fact, when he was in elementary school, Dede was an outstanding student who received a scholarship. Dede began to misbehave a lot during high school. At that time, he enjoyed participating in brawls. Not long after starting school, Dede was expelled.


Teenage delinquency continues to roll over from generation to generation. If in the past teenage delinquency often revolved around brawls, drug abuse, and promiscuity, then in the current generation, teenage delinquency has expanded, especially in the world of social media, such as cyberbullying, for example. 

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Having Officially Taken Office as the Regent of West Bandung, Here Are 7 Photos of Jeje Govinda Wearing the Regional Head Uniform

Jeje Govinda is now officially serving as the Regent of West Bandung. As a regional head, he appears in an official uniform, reflecting the great responsibility he bears. In this special moment, Jeje not only took photos by himself but also with his family.

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