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Nearly 4 Years of Dating, 8 Photos of Azriel Hermansyah Without Plans to Marry Sarah Menzel

Nearly 4 Years of Dating, 8 Photos of Azriel Hermansyah Without Plans to Marry Sarah Menzel

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Nearly 4 Years of Dating, 8 Photos of Azriel Hermansyah Without Plans to Marry Sarah Menzel

Azriel Hermansyah and Sarah Menzel's romantic relationship has been going on for quite some time. They have been in this relationship for nearly 4 years, even far from any scandal. They have even become close to each other's families. However, Azriel Hermansyah doesn't have any plans to marry his girlfriend, Sarah Menzel. Read the complete story below!


Although Azriel and Sarah Menzel's relationship is getting more serious, the second child of Anang Hermansyah admits that currently, his focus is on his job.

Nearly 4 Years of Dating, 8 Photos of Azriel Hermansyah Without Plans to Marry Sarah Menzel

"Still young, only 23 years old. Work first, gain new experiences, and then get married," said Azriel when met in Pondok Indah, South Jakarta, on Friday (23/2/2024).


In line with Azriel, Sarah Menzel also doesn't want to rush into marriage. She stated that her main priority at the moment is to finish her education. "It's okay, I'm still far from being a graduate. Let me finish my studies first," said Sarah.


Both of them agreed to focus on finishing their education first before considering marriage.

Nearly 4 Years of Dating, 8 Photos of Azriel Hermansyah Without Plans to Marry Sarah Menzel

"Both of us want to finish our studies first, just support each other. Yesterday, she just launched a perfume, and I have other business ventures," explained Azriel.


Azriel revealed that family plays the most important role in maintaining his relationship with Sarah Menzel. "Because both families support each other, that's what makes us strong," he said.

Nearly 4 Years of Dating, 8 Photos of Azriel Hermansyah Without Plans to Marry Sarah Menzel

In pursuing a relationship with Sarah Menzel, Azriel admitted that he has received full support from his mother. "Mimi (Kris Dayanti) supports, Bunda (Ashanty) supports," Azriel concluded.


Azriel and Sarah are still relatively young. Their journey is still long, hopefully they can continue together and support each other, if it's meant to be. Keep supporting their relationship, KLovers.