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Nikita Willy Claims to Never Discuss Exes in Front of Indra Priawan

Nikita Willy Claims to Never Discuss Exes in Front of Indra Priawan Nikita Willy - Indra Priawan @ - Nikita Willy has just become a guest star on the latest podcast of Jordi Onsu, which airs on the YouTube MOP Channel. It is there that she answers various questions about her marriage plans with Indra Priawan.

Not only talking about the warm and romantic engagement event, Jordi Onsu also asks many other questions. One of them is the unknown facts about the relationship between Nikita Willy and Indra Priawan.

1. Never Talk About Ex

"Did your ex say anything during the proposal? Your ex or Indra's ex," asked Ruben Onsu's sibling Nikita Willy.

Without hesitation, Nikita Willy immediately answered, "I don't know about Indra's ex, because it's his business. And I'm the same, like in front of each other, if possible, let's not talk about exes. But if you want to talk about exes with your friends, or still talk with your ex, whatever, as long as I don't know. And from my side, there was nothing yesterday, but I know they're happy for me, because they're all married."

2. Mutual Trust

Previously, Nikita also emphasized that she and Indra always trust each other since the beginning of their relationship. They never even checked each other's phones.

"From the beginning of our relationship, we never looked at each other's phones, checked phones, even if, for example, we open our phones in front of each other, let's say I'm here and Indra is there and he opens his phone. I don't want to peek at all, that's his privacy and he feels the same," she concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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