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Not Because of Being Single for a Long Time, 9 Photos of El Rumi Reveal His Reasons for Using a Dating App

Not Because of Being Single for a Long Time, 9 Photos of El Rumi Reveal His Reasons for Using a Dating App


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Not Because of Being Single for a Long Time, 9 Photos of El Rumi Reveal His Reasons for Using a Dating App

Before dating Syifa Hadju, El Rumi, who had been single for a long time, experienced moments of loneliness. Syifa herself had previously been in a relationship with Rizky Nazar. Now, with Syifa's presence, El Rumi seems to have found the happiness he has been searching for.

Interestingly, before officially dating Syifa, El Rumi had a funny moment while trying to find a partner through a dating app while living in London, England.


When asked by the host if he had ever used a dating app, El gave a surprising answer. "I have, I swear, but it was in London. At that time, it was just for fun because my friends were doing it. So, oh, I felt fomo. I made one, ah." said El as reported by the YouTube channel TonightShowNet some time ago.


"Back when I was in London, I was single for a while. Then my friends were playing around, so I joined in, ah" he added.


Inspired by the excitement of his friends who were enjoying exploring dating apps and feeling fomo, El Rumi didn't want to miss out. Without hesitation, he created an account with a fake identity, but still used his real photos.


"In the end, I made it, I put my photos, created the bio account. But I used my photos, just the account name I made up. At that time, the name was Mason, because I was really into Mason Mount back then, right?" said El.


El Rumi is not hesitant to explore the world of dating apps, hoping to find the right person to chat with. To his surprise, two people immediately liked his profile, but it turned out they were Indonesians living in London.


"The funny thing is, I ended up creating a fake name even though using my real face, looking for right swipe, left swipe, some like it, some don’t." he said.


"After that, there were two who liked me first. Because we have to like each other before we can chat, right? When I checked, they were Indonesians who were in London," he added.


After being caught using a dating app by fellow Indonesians, El Rumi did not hesitate to delete his account. It turns out, the reason behind this search is his desire to find a foreign partner.


"In the end, I just deleted it, embarrassed. It's Indonesians who liked it. Because I didn't get (a foreigner), I guess it's better to just delete it" he concluded.