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Often Appear Macho, These 9 Handsome Celebrities Are Actually the Opposite When Taking Care of Their Children - So Sweet!

Often Appear Macho, These 9 Handsome Celebrities Are Actually the Opposite When Taking Care of Their Children - So Sweet! Chicco Jerikho, Hamish Daud, Vino G. Bastian (credit:;; - Having a partner who is macho, handsome, loyal, and loves family is indeed the dream of every woman. Apparently, this also happens to a series of handsome celebrities who are able to melt the hearts of women when taking care of their children.

Even their portraits that look tough change when they are in front of their children. This is what makes women idolize them and call these handsome men who are close to their children as hot daddies.

Having a handsome face is indeed inherent in a series of celebrities who are always desired. However, it's not just that which captivates women. Apparently, the sense of responsibility when caring for and playing with their little ones in their own way is able to attract the attention of netizens. A very manly figure transforms into a sweet figure.

Who are these handsome celebrities? Instead of being curious, let's take a look at their portraits.


1. Baim Wong

Baim Wong is still very happy because he is a father to his beloved son, Kiano Tiger Wong. The baby who has become an idol of netizens is so cute and adorable. In taking care of his child, Baim is also willing to do anything to make his child laugh. Like this moment, baby Kiano looks so happy when being carried by Baim.

2. Chicco Jerikho

The handsome actor Chicco Jerikho, who often appears tough, is able to melt women's hearts with his loving parenting style. The husband of Putri Marino doesn't hesitate to make his beloved child, Surinala, laugh happily by spending time swimming together.

3. Gading Marten

Divorce from Gisella Anastasia did not distance Gading Marten from his beloved child, Gempita Nora Marten. In fact, Gading often shares moments of togetherness with his only daughter. Like this photo, the 38-year-old man appears to make his little princess feel like a princess while kissing Gempita's hand.

4. Glenn Alinskie

Glenn Alinskie is also one of the desired fathers. He loves his first child, Nastusha, so much. Like in this moment, the husband of Chelsea Olivia invites his child to play with water. He patiently gets wet for the happiness of his child. So sweet.

5. Hamish Daud

Actor Hamish Daud truly deserves the title of hot daddy, he also often spends time with his child. In fact, this handsome actor doesn't hesitate to share some activities while taking care of his little daughter on his personal Instagram. Like in the following picture, Hamish looks very simple, just wearing a sarong accompanying his beautiful daughter named Zalina Raine Wyllie to play.

6. Vino G Bastian

Who doesn't idolize Vino G Bastian? This talented actor always steals the spotlight with his amazing acting. However, behind all that, he is a sweet father to his child. Vino managed to capture his child's heart by spending time with his family. Vino also uploaded a photo with his child, with the child's cheeks full of lipstick marks. He's such a dream dad.

7. Rio Dewanto

Next, there's actor Rio Dewanto who often appears handsome in various films, turns out Rio is a very loving father. Like in the following picture, the husband of Atiqah Hasiholan looks adorable riding a pink motorcycle with his child. Still cool, right?

8. Joe Taslim

Joe Taslim always attracts attention with his handsome appearance. However, what makes women fascinated is when he spends time with his beloved child. He is so close when joking with his little daughter. They also look happy while enjoying outdoor moments.

9. Nicky Tirta

Even though he became a single parent after divorcing his wife Liza Elly, Nicky Tirta is very skilled in taking care of his child alone. This chef and actor is seen very close to his only daughter. In fact, he is willing to let his face be scribbled by his beloved child. He is really an ideal man.

Those are a series of handsome celebrities who attract attention when raising their children. They are such hot daddies! Who is your favorite?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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