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Often Reported to be Cracked, Here are 11 Harmonious Portraits of Adit and Nia AFI who Remain Harmonious in their 10 Years of Marriage

Often Reported to be Cracked, Here are 11 Harmonious Portraits of Adit and Nia AFI who Remain Harmonious in their 10 Years of Marriage


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Often Reported to be Cracked, Here are 11 Harmonious Portraits of Adit and Nia AFI who Remain Harmonious in their 10 Years of Marriage

Adit AFI and Nia AFI were involved in a location-based romance in Akademi Fantasi Indosiar (AFI) for the second season. Shortly after the singing talent search event ended, they finally decided to get married.

Throughout their marriage, Nia and Adit have often been reported to have problems. Some even said that their marriage was experiencing cracks and would soon separate.

However, both of them denied these rumors. And here are harmonious portraits of Nia and Adit AFI who remain affectionate even after 10 years of marriage.


Aditya Putra Wijaya, or commonly known as Adit, is a finalist of AFI from East Java. In AFI, he fell in love with Nia, who is also from East Java.


Shortly after AFI ended, they finally started dating. After a while, both of them finally got married on June 17, 2011. 


And not long ago, they just celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary. 


Adit and Nia's marriage was blessed with two children. They named their first daughter Diva, and their second son Daffa. 


And here's a picture of Adit taking care of his two children. He's such a hot daddy, KLovers. 


As the head of the family, Adit is now more focused on being a father and husband to provide for his family. 


During their marriage, many people say that Adit and Nia's household did not last long. Some even say that their marriage is not going well.


However, those negative news are completely unfounded. In fact, this couple is becoming more affectionate and harmonious day by day.

Often Reported to be Cracked, Here are 11 Harmonious Portraits of Adit and Nia AFI who Remain Harmonious in their 10 Years of Marriage

Especially with the presence of their two beloved children, Nia and Adit's family is now complete.

Often Reported to be Cracked, Here are 11 Harmonious Portraits of Adit and Nia AFI who Remain Harmonious in their 10 Years of Marriage

This is a picture of Adit AFI and Nia being close together with their two children. Can we really say that their marriage is falling apart?


Well, those were some intimate pictures of Adit AFI and Nia AFI that are rarely shown in public.

Often Reported to be Cracked, Here are 11 Harmonious Portraits of Adit and Nia AFI who Remain Harmonious in their 10 Years of Marriage

There is still a lot of inspiring information, KLovers. You just need to click the link that is already here! (Link).

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