Written by Silma Salsabilla
Oplet owned by Rano Karno or Si Doel has been donated to the museum, KLovers. Previously, this oplet was offered to Raffi Ahmad for billions of rupiah, to be exchanged with a Rolls Royce which was also priced high. However, Rano Karno decided to refuse it.
Rano Karno revealed it through his speech at the inauguration of the Classic Motor Museum at SMK Nasional Media Centre (NMC) Malang, "Raffi Ahmad wanted to buy it. At first, I thought he just wanted to make content, but he really wanted to give me two billion at that time. I didn't sell it, I just gave it for free here."”
Rano also told that Raffi Ahmad and Nagita Slavina once came to his house to make content. At that time, Raffi Ahmad was attracted to Si Doel's oplet and immediately invited to exchange it with his Rolls Royce worth four billion.
Well, instead of getting more curious, let's take a look at a series of photos of Rano Karno who donated Si Doel's oplet to the museum!