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Online Prostitution Rumor Involving an Artist with Initials DS, Who is it?

Online Prostitution Rumor Involving an Artist with Initials DS, Who is it? Illustration - A news about online prostitution has surfaced again. In fact, the news involves a celebrity with initials DS.

The news first appeared through Insertlive which obtained it through a thread in an online forum. The thread is titled "Artis Shemale DS Selling on Prostitution Website?."


1. 2 Million Rupiah

The thread also uploaded screenshots of conversations with the artist. It is known that in the screenshots, the artist used the name Sandra and offered a rate of 2 million rupiah.

Sandra is known as the alias of the artist when engaging in online prostitution activities. However, no one knows who the artist with initials DS is because the evidence obtained from the thread is very limited.

2. No Strong Evidence

Furthermore, the screenshot is not considered strong evidence because there is no real name of the artist mentioned, and the chat itself is also questionable as it could be fake.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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