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Parto Patrio Tells the Process of Recovery After Kidney Stone Surgery, Now It's Hard to Hold Urine

Parto Patrio Tells the Process of Recovery After Kidney Stone Surgery, Now It's Hard to Hold Urine - Comedian Parto Patrio is grateful that his condition has gradually improved after undergoing kidney stone surgery on April 24, 2024. Now, the owner of the full name Eddy Soepono has started to be active again.

However, the stent tube used to prevent urine blockage is still attached to Parto Patrio's body. As a result, Parto admitted to having a little difficulty holding urine.

"Alhamdulillah, it's starting to feel good," said Parto when met in the area of Jalan Kapten Tendean, Mampang, South Jakarta, on Tuesday (21/5/2024).

"So I can't hold it. It's so sensitive because there's still a stent inside. It's for widening the ureter and facilitating disposal," said Parto's wife, Dina Risty.

1. Easy to Urinate

Indeed, it is not bothersome when at home, because it's easy to urinate. But, it becomes a problem when outside the house.

"It's not a problem when at home. But when traveling in a vehicle, it becomes a problem. Because I have to urinate quickly," said Parto.

2. Disturbed Sleep

At night, Parto admitted that his sleep was slightly disturbed because the stent tube was still attached to his body. He has to immediately go to the bathroom when he can't hold his urine.

"At night, he can't sleep too much. So he keeps waking up and going to the bathroom," Dina Risty said.

3. Stent Tube to be Removed in June

Parto himself said he will be patient with his current condition for the next month. This is because the doctor estimates that the stent tube will be removed in June 2024.

"God willing, it will be removed at the end of June. This is only temporary. Maybe after the device is removed, it won't be like that anymore, it will be normal again," Dina Risty concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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