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Peek into Wulan Guritno's Kitchen, Luxurious and Neat with Mini Kitchen Set

Peek into Wulan Guritno's Kitchen, Luxurious and Neat with Mini Kitchen Set Wulan Guritno's kitchen portrait (Source: YouTube/Wulan Guritno) - Wulan Guritno and Sabda Ahessa are currently having a financial dispute. Sabda refuses to return the Rp 396 million renovation loan given by Wulan.

Therefore, Wulan filed a lawsuit against Sabda in court. According to Sabda's lawyer, Wulan and his client may still have plans to get married and renovate Sabda's house as a future residence. However, the truth of these plans is still unclear.

Nevertheless, Wulan already has her own comfortable home to live with her three children. Although not very large, the house looks artistic with many paintings on the walls, especially in the kitchen which is often used as a gathering place for the family. The kitchen is simple with a mini kitchen set, but still provides comfort for Wulan and her family.

Curious about the appearance of Wulan Guritno's simple kitchen? Here are the pictures summarized on Thursday (07/03/2024)

1. Kitchen Connected Directly to the Dining Table

The view in Wulan Guritno's kitchen is very simple. There is a straight line connecting the kitchen to the dining table. This room is often a place where Wulan eats, talks, and relaxes with her children.

2. Preferring a Mini Bar

Instead of using a kitchen island, Wulan prefers to use a mini bar to save space. The mini bar appears to accommodate several cakes and other foods. In addition, there are also several decorations on it, such as flower vases and other ornaments.

3. Equipped with a Mini Kitchen Set

Although it is small in size, Wulan's kitchen appears to be filled with various utensils. In addition, the completeness of the cooking utensils is also organized and clean.

The dark brown mini kitchen set adds a modern and trendy touch to the room. The dominant dark brown color makes the room feel warmer.

4. Built-in Stove Equipped with Cooker Hood

The stove model that Wulan uses is built-in and uses gas as energy, not electricity. A stove hood is placed on top of it to absorb the smoke produced during the cooking process.

5. Minimalist Appearance

The cooking space in Wulan's residence showcases a minimalist style with comprehensive equipment. Despite its limited space, this area remains efficient as it is frequently used by Wulan and her children to prepare meals.

One of them is Shaloom, Wulan's eldest child, who enjoys exploring various culinary recipes. Their cooking activities are often photographed and published on their mother's YouTube channel.

6. A Dining Table Full of Warmth

Between the cooking area and dining area, there is no clear boundary and the space is not too big. However, every dish prepared by Wulan and her children is always enjoyed together at this table. Although simple, it is full of warmth.

7. Why Does Wulan Guritno Stay Young?

Wulan stated that she has reduced sugar consumption as part of her lifestyle to maintain youthfulness, after realizing that sugar plays a role in skin and body aging processes.

8. How Many Children Does Wulan Guritno Have?

Wulan Guritno is one of the celebrities who always manages to capture the attention of netizens. Recently, she made a video with her three children, namely Shalom, London, and Alric.

9. Who is Shalom, Wulan Guritno's Child with?

Shalom, born on June 24, 1998, is the child of Wulan from her marriage to Attila Syach. Following in her mother's footsteps, Shalom Razade also ventures into the entertainment world of the homeland.

10. How Old is Ahessa?

27 years old (March 21, 1996).


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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