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Portrait of Alwi Assegaf, a Young Actor of Japanese and Arab Descent, One of the Descendants of Prophet Muhammad Ke-40

Portrait of Alwi Assegaf, a Young Actor of Japanese and Arab Descent, One of the Descendants of Prophet Muhammad Ke-40


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Portrait of Alwi Assegaf, a Young Actor of Japanese and Arab Descent, One of the Descendants of Prophet Muhammad Ke-40

Alwi Assegaf is a young actor who is admired by teenagers and mothers. This actor, who became popular thanks to the soap opera Raden Kian Santang, is truly worthy of being an idol. Here are some facts about Alwi that make many people fall in love with him!

Portrait of Alwi Assegaf, a Young Actor of Japanese and Arab Descent, One of the Descendants of Prophet Muhammad Ke-40

This is Alwi Assegaf who began his career in 2012 through his role as Raden Kian Santang. At that time, he was only 6 years old.


At the age of 16, Alwi became known for his role in the soap opera Cinta Anak Sholeh and played the twin brothers named Ali and Reyhan.


Alwi is the second child of three siblings. All of his older and younger siblings are girls. His father is Sayyid Habib Mahdar Assegaf who is of Arab descent.


Not only that, Alwi is actually the 40th descendant of Prophet Muhammad SAW, descended from his father's bloodline, Mahdar Assegaf.


Meanwhile, Alwi's mother, Mayumi Yoshida, is from Japan. It's no wonder that Alwi and his siblings have Yoshida as their middle name.


Alwi was once matched by netizens with young actress Sandrinna Michelle because he said he wanted a partner who is religious. They have also acted together.

Portrait of Alwi Assegaf, a Young Actor of Japanese and Arab Descent, One of the Descendants of Prophet Muhammad Ke-40

In addition to acting, Alwi is also a singer. He has released several singles, both sung by himself and in duets.


Are KLovers also fans of Alwi? Do you agree that he is truly admirable?

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