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Release of Single 'Ramadhanku', Roro Fitria Chooses EDM Genre for Her New Work

Release of Single 'Ramadhanku', Roro Fitria Chooses EDM Genre for Her New Work Roro Fitria (credit: Personal Doc) - Roro Fitria realizes her gratitude and joy through a work titled Ramadhanku. In her latest work, Roro apparently wants to present something different, both in terms of packaging and music genre.

Although it is made on a not-so-large scale, this 39-year-old woman always wants to give a luxurious impression in every work she does.

"This is not that big, it's a secret. It's for the internal management's fix. It can be said that it's not as big as before. Since converting, Nyai (Roro Fitria) sees something not from luxury or material things, what's important is to keep creating," said Roro Fitria when met at Shisha House, South Jakarta, on Wednesday (4/21) evening.

1. Stay Choosing EDM

In addition, although Roro Fitria has converted, she apparently doesn't want to let go of her previous music genre, which is EDM. This music genre has been her passion since the beginning of her career in the entertainment world.

"Why does Nyai (referring to herself) still want to express her work in EDM, especially as a DJ? It's because Nyai has produced several works herself. Nyai's passion is in music and she must continue wearing the hijab because she knows the rules of covering the aurat (modesty)," she said.

"Nyai wants to continue creating in that genre. Nyai also wants to break the paradigm that a profession as a disc jockey doesn't have to be sexy and revealing. Nyai emphasizes skill in playing music," continued Roro Fitria.

2. Gig Offers

Roro Fitria also admitted that she has received offers to perform as a DJ. She also hopes that her future works will be accepted, especially her latest single, which she hopes will find a place in the hearts of the wider community.

"My hope for my sixth single, 'Ramadhanku' featuring Gilang AKA, is that it will be accepted and appreciated by Indonesian music lovers. It can be listened to on all digital platforms and many have requested it on various radio stations. The same goes for Nyai's future works," she concluded.

Stay motivated for KLovers who are still working and being productive amidst this pandemic situation. Always #RememberMother'sMessage while engaging in activities. Wear a mask, wash your hands regularly, and maintain distance.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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