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Report Dipo Latief to the Police, Nikita Mirzani: Since Pregnancy, He Has Neglected Them

Report Dipo Latief to the Police, Nikita Mirzani: Since Pregnancy, He Has Neglected Them Nikita Mirzani reports Dipo Latief to the police (credit: instagram/nikitamirzanimawardi_172) - Nikita Mirzani realizes her intention to report her ex-husband, Dipo Latief, to the South Jakarta Metro Police. The mother of three children reported Dipo Latief regarding the alleged abandonment of their child from their six-month marriage.

"Because he always disturbs, finally Niki reported him to the police regarding child abandonment," said Nikita Mirzani when met at the South Jakarta Metro Police on Monday night (8/16).

Nikita Mirzani said that her ex-husband has started neglecting their child since she was pregnant. She even mentioned that Dipo didn't care at all.

"Since I was pregnant, he has been neglecting. He doesn't care and doesn't ask," she said.

1. Not About Maintenance

In this case, Nikita Mirzani emphasizes that the report made is not solely about the maintenance that Dipo Latief allegedly did not provide for their child. She admits that she only raises concerns about Dipo Latief's care for their child.

"It's not about the amount. But at least the concern for the child. Maybe he doesn't have money, right?" she explained.

In addition, the 35-year-old woman initially did not want to make an issue of Dipo Latief's neglect of their child. But it was her ex-husband who started the war by disturbing her life through legal means.

"At first, Niki kept silent. But when he filed a pretrial lawsuit for the embezzlement case, Niki reported it to the police," concluded Nikita Mirzani.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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9 Photos of Nikita Mirzani Trying 'Salt Bae' Restaurant in Turkey, Eating Raw Beef - 24 Karat Gold-Layered Ribs

Nikita Mirzani enjoyed her holiday in Turkey with various fun activities, from sightseeing to trying local cuisine. One of them is a trendy restaurant among young people because the chef always sprinkles salt on his dishes in a unique way. Yup, Niki tried various meat dishes at 'Salt Bae' Nusr Et restaurant, including raw beef and ribs coated with 24-karat gold. Let's take a look at the photos.

9 Photos of Nikita Mirzani Trying 'Salt Bae' Restaurant in Turkey, Eating Raw Beef - 24 Karat Gold-Layered Ribs