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Responding to Romantic Comments with Emoticons, Are Della Puspita and Sandy Sondoro Dating?

Responding to Romantic Comments with Emoticons, Are Della Puspita and Sandy Sondoro Dating? Della Puspita - Sandhy Sondoro. Credit: via taken on 23/3/2020 at 18.06 - Just like other celebrities, Della Puspita is also quite active in uploading videos on her Instagram account. Especially in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic that has led many people to decide to #StayAtHome.

Della Puspita recently uploaded a post containing several Tik-Tok videos where she dubbed funny dialogues. What she showcased caught the attention of netizens and celebrity friends, including Sandhy Sondoro.

However, what made it different was that Sandhy seemed to write comments adorned with romantic emoticons. Della herself responded in a similar manner. Because of this, many questioned their closeness.

1. Della Puspita's Post

On the post dated March 14, 2020, Della uploaded a TikTok video on her Instagram account. "Hello everyone, hi hi," she wrote in the caption section.

In the comment section, many netizens praised Della's cuteness. But what caught attention was a comment from Sandhy Sondoro. "Hahaha, Della Puspita's idol. So adorable," he wrote adorned with heart and kissing face emojis.

2. Dating?

Della then replied to Sandhy's comment. "Brother," she wrote adorned with several kissing face emojis. Not stopping there, Sandhy responded to Della's comment with a series of lip emojis.

Now, seeing the interaction between Della and Sandhy exchanging comments with romantic emojis, many are curious about the closeness between these two celebrities. Are they in a romantic relationship?

What do you think, KLovers?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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