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Revealing Refal Hady's Hidden Secrets - Having a Crush on a Math Teacher in School and Almost Drowning

Revealing Refal Hady's Hidden Secrets - Having a Crush on a Math Teacher in School and Almost Drowning Portrait of Refal Hady (© - Written by: Elmira Aubyn Azzahrina

Who doesn't know this handsome actor and model of Arab descent? Reza Fahlevi Alhady or Refal Hady is an artist born in Jakarta on October 24, 1993. Refal Hady is the youngest of seven siblings of Dutch, Saudi Arabian, and Indonesian descent. He made his debut in the field of acting through his role in the sitcom DRAMA QUEEN which aired on NET. in 2016.

The actor who has just turned thirty is adored by fans since his romantic acting with Sheryl Sheinafia in the movie GALIH & RATNA (2017). It doesn't stop there, Refal Hady also continues to expand his wings on the screen through other famous films. Some of them are DILAN 1990 (2018), WEDDING AGREEMENT (2019), A PERFECT FIT (2021), and PEREMPUAN BERGAUN MERAH (2022).

Having the opportunity to be interviewed by the KapanLagi team, Refal revealed that he can easily feel calm just by looking at pictures of waves. Besides that, there are still many secrets of Refal Hady that have not been revealed, KLovers. Let's find out more below!

1. Want to be Fluent in Two Languages

Being able to communicate in more than one language is a skill that must be achieved in today's era. This can be achieved by making language learning a hobby first. In an interview session with the KapanLagi team, Refal revealed that he wants to master the French and Spanish languages.

“I don't know why, but every time a French person speaks, it has its own allure. As for Spanish, because I'm close to its culture, its people, and its character. So, I feel like if I could be born again, I would be a Spanish person,” said Refal Hady.

2. Touched to Inspire Others

Who wouldn't be touched if it turns out that someone makes us the reason for someone to keep going in life. Refal Hady was touched by a message from a fan through Instagram DM expressing gratitude for Refal Hady's inspiring behavior.

“There was a message in my Instagram DM, where he thanked me for giving him the motivation to keep going in life. He also told a long story about how he found the will to live when he saw my behavior,” said Refal Hady with a smile.

3. Almost Drowned because of High Waves

Despite having a relatively tall body proportion, Refal Hady admitted that he almost drowned because of the high waves at Uluwatu beach. However, it turned out to be quite embarrassing for Refal.

“So I shouted, but when I shouted, it turned out that the waves were indeed high. I and the others were quite panicked because the waves were really high. Since I shouted, it felt like I was going to die when I woke up,” Refal explained while laughing.

“But it turns out I was already stepping. It's really annoying,” he added.

4. Once Had a Crush on a Teacher in School

Surely KLovers have experienced the moment of having a crush on a teacher when they were still in school. Whether it's because of their appearance or their ability to teach. This happened to Refal Hady who openly admitted to having a crush on a math teacher in high school.

He explained with excitement, “There was one math teacher in high school that I liked because his way of teaching was really good. I don't like math at all, but I don't know why I became happy to learn because of this teacher. So even the subjects I didn't like became likeable.”

5. Discover More Unique Facts About Refal Hady!

There are still many secrets of Refal Hady that have not been revealed, KLovers. Don't forget to watch the complete interview of Refal with KapanLagi team below, okay!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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