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Ria Ricis Claims She Experienced Baby Blues When Moana Was 4 Months Old, Yelled at Her Child Then Cried and Apologized

Ria Ricis Claims She Experienced Baby Blues When Moana Was 4 Months Old, Yelled at Her Child Then Cried and Apologized Ria Ricis Claims She Experienced Baby Blues When Moana Was 4 Months Old. (instagram/pembasmi.kehaluan.reall) -

Becoming a mother is an emotional journey full of challenges, especially for those who are experiencing this role for the first time. This was also experienced by YouTuber Ria Ricis, who honestly revealed that she experienced baby blues when her daughter, Moana, was about four months old. In a video, she shared her emotional experience while facing the pressures of being a new mother.

Ria Ricis admitted that she felt very stressed at that time. Moana, who kept crying, overwhelmed her, and without realizing it, she yelled at her child. However, shortly after that, she ended up crying and feeling very guilty about the reaction she showed to Moana.

This story has touched the hearts of many, especially mothers who may have experienced similar situations. Here is Ria Ricis's journey in facing baby blues:

1. The Beginning of Ria Ricis Feeling Stressed as a New Mother

As a new mother, Ria Ricis experienced great pressure in taking care of her baby. She felt that this stress increased when Moana often cried incessantly, making it difficult for Ricis to calm herself.

2. Moana's Constant Crying Makes Ria Ricis Overwhelmed

In a video shared by the Instagram account @pembasmi.kehaluan.reall, Ricis revealed that Moana kept crying, especially when she wanted to be held. This situation made her feel even more pressured because she herself was in an emotionally unstable state. She found it difficult to calm her daughter while also controlling herself.

3. Unconscious Reactions Experienced

Due to stress and fatigue, Ricis unconsciously snapped at Moana. She admitted that at that moment she felt a loss of control over her emotions and vented it with a raised voice towards her child. However, she soon realized that this reaction was not the right thing to do and only added to her feelings of guilt.

4. Feelings of Guilt and Tears of Regret

Not long after snapping at Moana, Ria Ricis was immediately overwhelmed with feelings of guilt. She quickly apologized to Moana and embraced and carried her with full affection.

5. Awareness of Baby Blues and Its Effects

Ricis finally realized that she was experiencing baby blues, a condition often faced by mothers after giving birth due to hormonal changes and emotional pressure. She understood that the feelings of stress and frustration she was experiencing could have a negative impact on both herself and her child.

6. How Ria Ricis Overcomes Baby Blues

After experiencing that emotional moment, Ricis began to look for ways to manage her feelings. She tried to stay calmer when facing Moana who was crying and realized the importance of support from family and close friends.

That was the moment Ria Ricis admitted to experiencing baby blues when Moana was 4 months old. Stay tuned for more celebrity news. If not now, when?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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