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Rich and Famous, A Portrait of Sandra Dewi and Harvey Moeis Registered in BPJS Kesehatan for the Poor

Rich and Famous, A Portrait of Sandra Dewi and Harvey Moeis Registered in BPJS Kesehatan for the Poor


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Rich and Famous, A Portrait of Sandra Dewi and Harvey Moeis Registered in BPJS Kesehatan for the Poor

Recently, the public was shocked by the news that Sandra Dewi and Harvey Moeis are registered in BPJS Kesehatan under the Independent Assistance Recipient (PBI) category, which is funded by the DKI Jakarta Local Government. This immediately drew attention, as BPJS Kesehatan PBI should only be received by the poor.

In response to this, the DKI Jakarta Health Office has spoken out. Read more about it here, if not now, when?


Sandra Dewi and Harvey Moeis, known as a wealthy couple, are reported to have abundant wealth. Although they are currently embroiled in a corruption case worth hundreds of trillions, Sandra's assets cannot be considered small.


However, it turns out that Sandra and Harvey are registered in the BPJS Kesehatan under the PBI category, which is meant for the poor. For this category, Sandra and Harvey do not need to pay contributions as they are funded by the government. Sandra and Harvey have been registered in this BPJS Kesehatan since 2018.


Regarding Sandra and Harvey's BPJS status, the DKI Jakarta Health Office has spoken out. Quoted from Berita Jakarta, the DKI Health Office stated that the BPJS PBI received by Sandra is part of the implementation of Universal Health Coverage (UHC).


"The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government encourages participation in JKN regardless of a person's socio-economic status. This step is taken to fulfill the health rights of all Jakarta residents, as well as to implement the Universal Health Coverage (UHC) policy from the Central Government," said Ani in an official statement on the Jakarta News website on Sunday, December 29, 2024.


Ani also explained that based on Governor Regulation (Pergub) Number 169 of 2016 concerning Participation and Health Service Guarantees, during the 2017-2018 period, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government accelerated UHC implementation.


"This regulation is a manifestation of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government's commitment to providing access to health services for all citizens who are not yet registered in JKN. This regulation fully guarantees the health rights of Jakarta residents," said Ani.


Sandra herself has not yet spoken out regarding her name being registered in the BPJS Kesehatan PBI for the poor. As of this news being published, is still trying to contact Sandra for further information.