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SCTV Presents New Soap Opera 'SUCI DALAM CINTA', Starring Eza Gionino and Rosiana Dewi

SCTV Presents New Soap Opera 'SUCI DALAM CINTA', Starring Eza Gionino and Rosiana Dewi Eza Gionino (Credit: and Rosiana Dewi (Credit: - A series of quality flagship programs are always presented by SCTV to pamper its loyal viewers. Including a series of favorite soap operas that are always eagerly awaited by viewers at home.

This time SCTV presents its newest soap opera titled SUCI DALAM CINTA which will start airing on Wednesday, October 20, 2021 at 19:40 WIB. This latest family drama will feature a number of stars including Rosiana Dewi, Eza Gionino, Nesya Marcella, Ben Joshua, Miqdad Addausy, Raisya Bawazier, Andi Viola, Amara, Dicky Chandra, Shaqueena Medina, and others.

"Suci Dalam Cinta" tells the story of a girl named Almira played by Rosiana Dewi who lives in simplicity with her mother Jihan (Amara) and her only sibling named Aisyah (Shaqueena Medina) in a small house left by her father Aldrian (Dicky Chandra) who suddenly disappeared.

Almira's life is not easy, as she has to quit her studies to replace her mother who is suffering from heart disease as the backbone of the family.

Not only that, Almira's father's departure also left them with tens of millions of debts that they don't know when they can pay off. Every month, Almira and her mother always have to deal with debt collectors who demand payment for Adrian's debts.

1. Premiere on Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Until one day, when Almira had to deliver goods to an office, suddenly Almira received a phone call from her mother who was crying hysterically because two debt collectors came to her house rudely to collect debt.

Even this time, the two debt collectors threatened to take her younger sibling if the installment for this month is not paid immediately. Without thinking twice, Almira immediately turned around and canceled delivering the office's goods.

On the way home, Almira, who was in a hurry, almost hit a little child who was crossing the street. Luckily, Almira was agile enough to avoid it. However, within seconds, Almira's motorcycle, which was still unstable due to avoiding the child, was almost hit by a luxury sedan carrying a couple.

In order to avoid Almira, the driver of the car turned the steering wheel, causing the car to collide with an ambulance coming from the opposite direction, which was also in a hurry to transport a critical patient. Guilt enveloped Almira's heart, but she continued her journey to her house.

What will happen in Almira's story as she faces all these problems? Watch Almira's struggle (Rosiana Dewi) in the soap opera Suci Dalam Cinta every day starting Wednesday, October 20, 2021 at 19:40 WIB only on SCTV, Satu Untuk Semua!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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