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Want to Have a Funny and Serious Boyfriend, Here's Flavio Zaviera's Reason for Being the Star of 'DARI JENDELA SMP'

Want to Have a Funny and Serious Boyfriend, Here's Flavio Zaviera's Reason for Being the Star of 'DARI JENDELA SMP' Flavio Zaviera (Credit: - Talking about soap operas that continue to accompany viewers during the ongoing pandemic, DARI JENDELA SMP may be one of them. This soap opera can even be considered successful with its long episodes and high ratings.

Success does not escape the hard work of the actors, including Flavio Zaviera. The girl who is usually called Vio plays Raquel, the antagonist. Raquel appears as Wulan's rival. It's no wonder that Vio is in the spotlight.

It can be said that Vio is a newcomer in the entertainment world. Perhaps not many people know Vio's other side, including her criteria for a boyfriend. Yes, it finally revealed in Jefan Nathanio's Youtube channel recently.

Apparently, Vio wants a boyfriend who is serious and humorous at the same time. Because if he is too humorous, it feels a little tiring to always hear jokes.

"Actually, both are needed. If life is always joking, it's also tiring. Always joking. I'm tired," explained this long-haired girl.

1. Reluctant to Hurt

Not only that, on the same occasion it was also revealed how Vio is reluctant to hurt anyone even though her role as Raquel often hurts her friends' hearts. At that time, netizens asked her to choose between hurting or being hurt. Flavio chose to be hurt.

"I think I'd rather be hurt because I know how it feels. It hurts to be hurt, so I don't want to hurt others," he explained.

The same answer was also chosen by Jefan. Because he is a compassionate person.

"If it were me, I would prefer to be hurt. Because I'm the type of person who is compassionate, you know?" said Jefan.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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