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Shooting a Film During a Pandemic, This is the Major Difference Felt by Marsha Timothy

Shooting a Film During a Pandemic, This is the Major Difference Felt by Marsha Timothy Marsha Timothy (credit: Herdianto) - In September last month, actress Marsha Timothy underwent the filming of her latest film titled ASIH 2. Because all the processes were carried out during the pandemic, Marsha felt a noticeable difference.

The most obvious difference is that she can no longer interact with all the crew on location. Because during the process, the production house implemented a three-ring system.

"During the shooting, we can no longer interact on location with the crew like before. We can't do that because there are rings, that only a few people can enter the first ring. Losing moments like that," said Marsha when met in the Rasuna Said area, South Jakarta, recently.

1. No More Buffet

The atmosphere of eating on the shooting location has now become different. Usually, a buffet is provided for the crew and actors to eat together while chatting, but now Marsha can only enjoy it alone.

"We can't have a buffet like before, we can't eat together anymore," said the wife of actor Vino G Bastian.

2. Enjoyable Shooting

Although undergoing shooting with strict health protocols, Marsha Timothy feels grateful that the process can be carried out without lacking anything. The movie ASIH 2 can soon be enjoyed in theaters starting from December 24th.

"But thank God everything is going well. I feel happy with the collaboration of the director and crew. Moreover, this is my first experience shooting a horror film, leaving a very enjoyable impression," said the mother of one child.

3. Implementing Health Protocols

Many people are trying to remain productive despite the pandemic situation. Just like what Marsha Timothy did. The most important thing is to continue implementing health protocols. Such as wearing a mask, maintaining distance, and diligently washing hands. #IngatPesanIbu and take care of your health, KLovers.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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