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Shooting 'NALURI HATI' Using Their Own Collection of Shoes and Clothes, The Cast Doesn't Always Rely on Wardrobe Crew

Shooting 'NALURI HATI' Using Their Own Collection of Shoes and Clothes, The Cast Doesn't Always Rely on Wardrobe Crew NALURI HATI (Credit: - Talking about popular soap operas, NALURI HATI might be one of them. This soap opera is relatively new. However, NALURI HATI has managed to enter the top 10 soap operas with the highest ratings.

Not surprising, because NALURI HATI has a fresh story. In addition, this soap opera is also filled with young stars. They are known for their dedication to acting, to the point that they often wear their own collection of clothes and shoes.

Yes, that was stated by Shanice Margaretha Lie, the main cast of NALURI HATI. She even showed her belongings on the shooting location. Sports shoes are not left behind.

"There are some very very modest shoes. So we will still exercise here, we bring our own shoes because it's very natural here," she said to the Hot Shot team on Saturday (4/9),

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He also showed his other shoe collection. According to him, the actors don't always rely on the wardrobe team for their outfits during filming.

"Many (bring their own). So when we're shooting, we don't just rely on the costume team. We also wear our own clothes," said this Indonesian-Thai woman.

Shanice also added that the actors really like fashion, especially Jennifer Eve who plays Cindy.

"Because coincidentally, everyone here likes fashion, especially Jennifer who plays Cindy. She really likes fashion, but she hasn't shown it yet," continued Shanice.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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