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'NALURI HATI' Shooting Confirmed to Follow Health Protocols, Shanice Margaretha Lie: Every Week Always Swab

'NALURI HATI' Shooting Confirmed to Follow Health Protocols, Shanice Margaretha Lie: Every Week Always Swab Shanice Margaretha Lie (Credit: - The Covid-19 pandemic is still ongoing and has entered its second year. Many people choose to stay at home more. Therefore, SCTV presents various interesting shows to accompany viewers at home.

One of the newly released shows is the soap opera NALURI HATI. This soap opera has been well received by viewers. It premiered on August 20th and has already entered the ranks of soap operas with high ratings.

However, shooting is still carried out with strict health protocols. This was explained by Shanice Margaretha Lie herself on Hot Shot last Saturday (9/4).

According to her, all the cast and crew had to undergo quarantine and stay at the shooting location.

1. Quarantine System

"Because we are in a pandemic like this, but still have to provide shows, so we adopt a quarantine system. We shoot here and stay here, but don't forget all the health protocols," said Shanice.

Even though we live in one location, the crew still wears masks and undergoes weekly swab tests.

"If you see here, everyone wears masks, they only take them off when eating. We swab every week and of course, we have been vaccinated," continued this newcomer actress.

The soap opera NALURI HATI is not only starred by Shanice but also by a series of famous actors and actresses. Starting from Samuel Zylgwyn, Donny Michael, Jennifer Eve, and Natalie Zenn.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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