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A Series of Unique Facts About Mawar de Jongh Regarding Personal Life - Career Journey, Former Debt Collector

A Series of Unique Facts About Mawar de Jongh Regarding Personal Life - Career Journey, Former Debt Collector Mawar de Jongh (credit: instagram/mawar_eva) - Mawar de Jongh has become one of the young celebrities whose career continues to shine. Since winning a talent search event, Mawar de Jongh has been developing her talents. Now, she is not only known as an actress but also as a singer with several hit singles.

Since her first appearance, Mawar has attracted attention because of her charm. But it's not just her beautiful appearance, Mawar also has extraordinary talent in acting and music. This is proven by her captivating performances in both film and music stages.

Behind her calm personality, Mawar de Jongh holds many unique stories and facts about her personal life and career journey. Curious, what are those facts? Let's find out, KLovers, here are some facts about Mawar de Jongh.


1. When I Was Little, I Loved Playing Football

The charm of Mawar de Jongh is hard to ignore. Her beautiful face, exceptional acting talent, melodious voice, and calm demeanor make anyone easily fall for her. However, behind all that, Mawar apparently had a childhood that was somewhat different from her elegant appearance today.

In a YouTube video owned by Armand Maulana, Mawar revealed quite a lot about her childhood, which was full of humor and absurdity. One of them is that Mawar used to enjoy playing football instead of playing with dolls. This was because Mawar was very close to her older brother. Interestingly, until now, Mawar still remembers the names of her brother's friends when they used to play football in their childhood.


2. Once a Debt Collector

Now known as a famous actress and singer, who would have thought that Mawar de Jongh was once a debt collector. Mawar helped collect debts from her friends at school who owed money to her mother's catering business. With embarrassment, Mawar reminisces and tells the funny experience.

"So, my mom used to have a catering business at school, because we used to have tutoring sessions, and actually, Budi (Budi Floris De Jongh, Mawar's older brother) was the one assigned to collect the debts," Mawar de Jongh shyly revealed.


3. Close to her Brother

Mawar de Jongh was born into a mixed family, with a father from the Netherlands and a mother from Medan. Born and raised in a warm family, Mawar has a close relationship with her parents. In addition to being close to her parents, Mawar is also very close to her older brother, Budi Floris de Jongh.

They are so close that Mawar admits her brother has had a significant influence on her life. It started with trivial things like not liking tomatoes and making Spiderman her favorite superhero. Mawar has repeatedly shown her admiration for her brother, who is three years older. Mawar also openly admits that she sees her brother as a role model.


4. A Long Career Journey, Starting from Modeling Since Kindergarten

Mawar de Jongh can be said to be at the peak of her career. Every film she stars in is always popular among many people, while her songs are also always hits among music enthusiasts. Before reaching this point, Mawar has started her career from the bottom. The beautiful actress, who turned 20 years old on September 20 this year, started her career since she was still in kindergarten.

When she was still in kindergarten, Mawar had already started to taste the modeling stage. Seeing her daughter's great talent, Mawar's mother also briefly enrolled her daughter in an art studio in Medan. In that studio, Mawar learned acting for the first time.

Mawar's participation in the Miss Celebrity event seemed to be a turning point for her in pursuing a career in the entertainment world. Mawar, who was 14 years old at the time, managed to captivate the judges and came out as the winner. Slowly but surely, Mawar's career continues to shine until now.


5. Never Forget the Figure Who Contributed in His Life

Aside from his own efforts, Mawar does not deny that there are many people who have contributed to his career success. Therefore, Mawar never forgets every person who has helped him in his career. One of them is the person he calls Kak Delfia.

Delfia, who was his roommate during the Miss Celebrity quarantine. Mawar admitted that Delfia has done a lot of good things for him. Starting from waking him up every day, to putting on makeup when Mawar was sick.

"I feel like in a pageant, it's rare to find someone as good and sincere as Kak Delfia. She's really kind," said Mawar tearfully in Armand Maulana's YouTube channel.


6. The Touching Story Behind Mother's Support

In the same moment, Mawar also shared a touching story about her mother's support when she participated in Miss Celebrity. One day before the grand final, Mawar called her mother in Medan. During the phone call, it turned out her mother was on a motorcycle, busy putting up posters and banners asking for support.

"When I returned to Medan, it turned out that Mama had put up quite a lot of banners saying 'Support Mawar in Miss Celebrity'. So, during my quarantine, Mama was also fighting there promoting it. That's why I think I also won Miss Favorite because of Mama," Mawar said emotionally.

Those are some unique facts about Mawar de Jongh's life and career journey. So, KLovers, are you even more impressed with Mawar now?



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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