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Deny Accusations of Domestic Violence Against His Wife, Jonathan Frizzy Reports Back to Dhena Devanka

Deny Accusations of Domestic Violence Against His Wife, Jonathan Frizzy Reports Back to Dhena Devanka Jonathan Frizzy reports back to his wife © Akrom Sukarya - Actor Jonathan Frizzy accompanied by his lawyer visited the South Jakarta Metro Police on Monday afternoon (6/9/2021). The man, who is often called Ijonk, came to report back against his wife, Dhena Devanka.

"On this day, September 6, we, along with our client Jonathan Frizzy, reported sister DAD for alleged domestic violence (DV)," said Sebastian, Ijonk's lawyer at the South Jakarta Metro Police on Monday (6/9/2021).

In his report, Ijonk charged Dhena under Article 44 of the Indonesian Law No. 23 of 2004 on domestic violence. He and his lawyer have submitted all the evidence to the authorities.

"We have submitted the evidence to the South Jakarta Metro Police, including photos, videos, and voice recordings. But we can't provide the details out of respect for the investigation process," said Sebastian.

1. Emphasize No Domestic Violence

With this report, Ijonk also denied Dhena's accusation that he had committed domestic violence. He hopes that all issues can be cleared up after this report.

"So, during this time, I remained silent, not because the confusing news was true. I came here because there were accusations against me, and to make it clear, I have never committed domestic violence," said Ijonk.

"I have built a career for 20 years. How could it be reported that I committed domestic violence? I emphasize that I have never hurt anyone," continued Ijonk.

As known, Dhena Devanka reported Ijonk for alleged domestic violence in May 2021 at the South Jakarta Metropolitan Police. Their marriage has been rumored to have problems for a long time.

In addition to reporting Ijonk, Dhena also filed for divorce at the South Jakarta Religious Court in August 2021. Not accepting Dhena's accusations, Ijonk also reported his wife to the police.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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