A number of local comedians have made a significant change in their lives by deciding to embrace religion. Their reasons for embracing religion are quite diverse.
Who are these comedians? Find out more here.
Celebrities' Conversion
A number of local comedians have made a significant change in their lives by deciding to embrace religion. Their reasons for embracing religion are quite diverse.
Who are these comedians? Find out more here.
Azis Gagap made a major decision by withdrawing from the entertainment world last April. He wants to embrace religion and focus on managing the pesantren (Islamic boarding school) he has built.
Jhody himself is known as a comedian with a distinctive style of a motorcycle kid in the 90s. Now he has started to embrace religion, even slowly removing tattoos from his body.
Ginanjar, a member of the Famous Four, is still a comedian. The difference is that he actively spreads his message through comedy.
Akri Patrio is now better known as a preacher. He also plays characters in soap operas that usually revolve around his religious daily life.
Rarely appearing on television, Kiwil is known to be actively involved in preaching.
Several Indonesian celebrities are reportedly deepening their knowledge of Islam. Who are they?
Former sexy model Anggita Sari finally decided to wear hijab. What is the story?
Anggita Sari finally decides to convert and wear hijab. The former model admitted that the process of finding her own guidance was quite fast.
Never feeling forced by her husband, over time Anggita Sari found her own comfort when wearing hijab. Take a look at her latest portraits here!
This year, during Ramadan, Venna Melinda received guidance and finally decided to wear hijab. However, initially, the people in her house were not aware that she had made up her mind.
Not only flooded with praise, Bella Shofie's photos wearing hijab are also filled with prayers for her to always be steadfast by netizens.
Wearing hijab is not an easy decision to make. However, after deciding to get married, many local celebrities choose to leave the entertainment world and even choose to embrace Islam.
Roro Fitria wants to uphold the value of sustainable culture.
Kartika Putri talks a lot about her reasons for leaving the television stage. Read more here!
Five Vi just realized that it is sinful for her to still have photos of herself without a hijab circulating.
Melly Goeslaw was initially worried about losing job opportunities if she wore hijab.
Recently, a photo of singer Theresia Ebenna Ezeria Pardede, also known as Tere, went viral on social media. In the circulating photo, it is known that Tere has started wearing a hijab.