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Smile and Laugh, Olivia Jensen's Secret to Eliminate Negative Energy During the Pandemic

Smile and Laugh, Olivia Jensen's Secret to Eliminate Negative Energy During the Pandemic Olivia Jensen (credit: - The Covid-19 pandemic has been going on for approximately 1 year in the country. This condition has caused many changes in people's lives. It is not uncommon for someone to feel bored and stressed because of it.

The beautiful artist Olivia Jensen also admits that the pandemic situation easily leads our minds to negative thoughts. However, this can be minimized by engaging in positive activities.

1. Do Positive Things

Through one of her recent Instagram posts, Olivia Jensen invited everyone to do positive things to eliminate negative moods during the pandemic.

"During this pandemic, it's easy for our minds and moods to be influenced by negativity due to fear and other factors. Let's change that by doing positive things so that our minds can also participate," she said.

2. Release Negative Energy

Even by doing simple things like smiling and laughing, we can release negative energy from within ourselves.

"Smile and laugh, let the negativity go away," said the mother of one.

So, let's stay motivated even though the pandemic situation is still ongoing. Don't forget to implement health protocols to protect ourselves from exposure to Covid-19. #RememberMother'sAdvice, wear a mask, wash hands regularly, and maintain distance.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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