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Story of Actress Who Specializes as a Substitute for Intimate Scenes in Hollywood Films, Willing to Act Adult Scenes for 6 Hours to 'Satisfy' the Director

Story of Actress Who Specializes as a Substitute for Intimate Scenes in Hollywood Films, Willing to Act Adult Scenes for 6 Hours to 'Satisfy' the Director Instagram @kerriparkerstunts - When watching adult scenes in Hollywood films, you may have wondered whether these scenes are real or not. Well, it turns out that these scenes are not entirely real. Some celebrities choose to use stand-ins for these intimate scenes.

One of these stand-ins is Kerri Parker. She shared about the difficulties of performing these intimate scenes, one of which is the very short time to get to know her co-actor before filming the scene.

"I met the male actor 10 minutes before we got into bed. It's a bit strange, one minute we say hello and then you're looking at each other's bodies and pretending to have sex scenes while wearing similar flesh-colored underwear," she revealed as quoted by Mirror.


1. Special Tricks

He also has a trick to make the 'acting' relationship comfortable for everyone. One of them is placing a pillow in the intimate area. The goal is to prevent the male actor from being exposed during the scene.

"When the director puts us on the bed, we explore it by wearing a pillow in the intimate area. This is done so that if the actors don't get exposed, which is very likely to happen, everyone can still feel comfortable," he added.

2. Endure Hours of Scenes

He also mentioned that it takes hours to achieve the desired result by the director. "For six hours, the cameramen will take long shots and close-ups, which will be combined after the original star finishes the scene," he revealed.

Kerri himself is known to have been a stand-in for several famous Hollywood actresses, such as Megan Fox and Cate Blanchett.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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