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The Presence of President Jokowi and Prabowo Subianto at Atta and Aurel's Wedding Becomes Controversial, Family Speaks Out

The Presence of President Jokowi and Prabowo Subianto at Atta and Aurel's Wedding Becomes Controversial, Family Speaks Out Aurel Hermansyah and Atta Halilintar (Credit: - The marriage of Aurel Hermansyah and Atta Halilintar which was held some time ago was criticized by netizens because it was held on a large scale in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. Not only that, the wedding was also attended by President Joko Widodo and Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto.

Therefore, Liza Natalia as the sister-in-law of Ashanty responded to the comments. According to her, the Anang Hermansyah family has their own reasons for inviting President Jokowi as a witness.

1. Already Invited

"At this time, when someone becomes a President, it becomes a big deal when they attend. Indeed, we have already invited him, Atta's side also knows him well," said Liza Natalia when met in Tendean area, South Jakarta recently.

Liza Natalia also wonders why the wedding ceremony caused controversy because of the presence of President Jokowi. According to her, there will always be an effect when a public figure holds a wedding party in the midst of the current pandemic.

2. There is Pro and Contra

"Why is everything controversial? But, let's consider the pros and cons, because they are public figures. So we have to understand. It's normal that there are pros and cons. But, thank God, we only focus on the positive side, so we don't think about the negatives. So I think we don't need to think too much about it, it's also pitiful for the newlyweds to worry," she said.

In addition, Liza Natalia also emphasized that Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto and President Joko Widodo have a close relationship with her family. In fact, the arrival of these two important people has been planned for a long time.

3. Close for a Long Time

"Mr. Prabowo and Mr. Jokowi are close to us as a family. And, actually, it has been calculated, their presence at the event is not because of political issues or any other problems. I'm also sure that they have considered everything. It's because we already know each other well, we already knew," she explained.

"We didn't invite them suddenly, it's not like we had to, or how it should be. It's because Defense Minister Prabowo and President Jokowi were available," Liza concluded.

4. Remember Mother's Message

The Covid-19 pandemic should not be a barrier for anyone to get married. However, always remember to #RememberMother'sMessage. Wear a mask, wash your hands regularly, limit mobility, avoid crowds, and maintain social distancing.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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