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The Sacrifices of the Players During the Filming of 'NALURI HATI' in Bali, Sunburned Skin to Bruises

The Sacrifices of the Players During the Filming of 'NALURI HATI' in Bali, Sunburned Skin to Bruises Shanice Margaretha Lie (Credit: - The Covid-19 pandemic has forced everyone to stay at home and unable to go on vacation. Therefore, several soap operas choose to film in beautiful places in Indonesia, one of which is NALURI HATI.

Yes, this soap opera, which just aired at the end of August 2021, takes place in the Island of the Gods, Bali. The beautiful scenery of Bali is presented to indulge the viewers' eyes. What is not widely known is that the crew and actors made many sacrifices for it.

Yes, this was stated by Shanice Margaretha Lie, the main cast of this soap opera. One of the sacrifices is moving from one filming location to another, which is not a short distance.

"Let me tell you a little story. When we were in Bali, we made a lot of sacrifices during the filming. Because in Bali, the distance from one location to another can be one hour, two hours, one and a half hours," said Shanice to the Hot Shot team on Saturday (4/9).

Not only that, they also experienced darkening of the skin due to the sun and bruises here and there.

1. Bruised Skin

"To the sea. So we had a lot of sacrifices from burns, bruises, falls, blue marks, far from home, like that. Just to produce a stunning show," continued Shanice.

In addition, Shanice also got seasick while filming in the middle of the sea. The scene was uploaded by Shanice on Instagram recently. The photo was flooded with comments from netizens, one of them being Irene Librawati, who played Elisa.

"This is what makes you all catch a cold when you return home," wrote Irene accompanied by laughing emoticons.

Shanice admitted it. She said she did get seasick to the point of vomiting because of this scene.

"This is what made me vomit like crazy and get burnt. So true," she replied shortly.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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