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Trending Celebrities Participate in Plastic Surgery Challenge, Ashanty - Barbie Kumalasari's Face Drastically Changed!

Trending Celebrities Participate in Plastic Surgery Challenge, Ashanty - Barbie Kumalasari's Face Drastically Changed!

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Trending Celebrities Participate in Plastic Surgery Challenge, Ashanty - Barbie Kumalasari's Face Drastically Changed!

In the past few days, social media has been buzzing with the emergence of the #oplaschallenge, a challenge to post photos that have been edited with the FaceApp application. Not wanting to miss the trend, several Indonesian artists also participated in this challenge. Curious?

Trending Celebrities Participate in Plastic Surgery Challenge, Ashanty - Barbie Kumalasari's Face Drastically Changed!

This is the appearance of Ashanty's face after participating in the viral #oplaschallenge. Why does she now look like a member of the Kardashian family?

Trending Celebrities Participate in Plastic Surgery Challenge, Ashanty - Barbie Kumalasari's Face Drastically Changed!

Not wanting to miss out, DJ Katy Butterfly also edited her face. She's already beautiful as it is, right?

Trending Celebrities Participate in Plastic Surgery Challenge, Ashanty - Barbie Kumalasari's Face Drastically Changed!

This is what happens when you join the #oplaschallenge with minimal makeup like Dona Agnesia. The result is still natural, right? ;)


Many people think that after plastic surgery, Mpok Elly Sugigi looks more beautiful and much younger. What do you think?


Not much has changed, Inul Daratista realizes that the application only changes a little bit of her eyes, nose, and lips.


Looking more beautiful and sexy like a Hollywood artist, Iis Dahlia successfully dazzles with her Face App result this time. Her thin mustache, which is her trademark, can still be clearly seen!

Trending Celebrities Participate in Plastic Surgery Challenge, Ashanty - Barbie Kumalasari's Face Drastically Changed!

Many say that Kalina Ocktaranny looks much prettier in her original version. Do you agree?


Being born as a very different person, this is what happens when Melly Goeslaw joins the #oplaschallenge.

Trending Celebrities Participate in Plastic Surgery Challenge, Ashanty - Barbie Kumalasari's Face Drastically Changed!

Already beautiful since the beginning, Olla Ramlan received a flood of compliments because her original version is far more charming than the edited Face App result.


Last but not least, there is also Barbie Kumalasari who has undergone a drastic change thanks to this application. Doesn't she look more like a Barbie doll now?