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Inul Daratista Posting Photos in a Luxurious Living Room, the Large Aquarium Makes It Hard to Focus

Inul Daratista Posting Photos in a Luxurious Living Room, the Large Aquarium Makes It Hard to Focus Inul Daratista @ Santoso - If you ask who is the most successful dangdut singer in the country, then Inul Daratista is one of them. Not only known as a famous dangdut singer, Inul also runs various businesses as a source of income that is equally tempting.

With the wealth she possesses, you don't need to doubt how luxurious Inul Daratista's house is. Recently, Inul showed off the appearance of her luxurious residence with her beloved husband, Adam Suseno.

The latest, Inul has become the subject of conversation because of a photo of her house uploaded on Instagram. There, she showcased the luxurious and spacious living room.

1. Aquarium in the Living Room

Having a classic and glamorous interior design, this living room is perfectly arranged according to Inul Daratista's wishes. However, it turns out that the large aquarium attached to the wall successfully caught the attention of netizens.

Succeeding in diverting attention, netizens were actually interested in Inul's large aquarium. Some of them were curious about how Inul cleans the aquarium. "How do you drain the aquarium?" asked a make-up artist who apparently still knows Inul.

2. Cleaned Regularly

Realizing this question, Inul immediately answered, "Someone takes care of it, Mba Mar, it's cleaned three times a week."

Unsurprisingly, Inul's answer left her followers astonished. Many of them admitted to having a small aquarium that is only drained once a month. Can you imagine how difficult it is to take care of Inul's fish in her large aquarium? ;)


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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