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Vanesha Prescilla Reveals Powerful Tips to Move On from Ex-Boyfriend, What Are They Like?

Vanesha Prescilla Reveals Powerful Tips to Move On from Ex-Boyfriend, What Are They Like? Vanesha Prescilla. © Kafril - Breaking up is definitely something that is difficult to forget for everyone. Because there are many memories that are not easily erased in a short time. The same goes for the beautiful actress Vanesha Prescilla.

But the difference is, Vanesha Prescilla admits that she doesn't have a hard time forgetting or moving on from the sweet memories with her ex.

"Moving on tips from me are not difficult, we just pretend to be busy. Continuing activities doesn't have to drain a lot of energy, like going to the mall, it requires effort again, right?" said Vanesha when met in the SCBD area, South Jakarta, on Thursday (6/2).

1. Painting While Listening to Music

According to him, even when there are no activities outside the house, he can still keep himself busy to forget. Like painting and listening to music can maintain mood because not everyone can easily move on.

"But if we're at home, like painting and learning music, maybe that's one of the distractions that can make us forget," he said.

"I can't go a day without listening to music. So music is like my best friend, I even have a playlist of my favorite songs. Well, maybe everyone often has a hard time moving on," he continued.

2. Stop Overthinking

For Vanesha, things that make the heart hurt more don't have to be constantly thought about. Because it's better to love ourselves than to hurt ourselves.

"If it makes us constantly hurt, why should we keep thinking about it? I mean, we should love ourselves, so if there's something that confuses us, hurts us, why follow it? Just delete it, move on," she concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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