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Video Asmara Abigail Tells the Story of Being Trapped in Italy Because of the Corona Virus

Video Asmara Abigail Tells the Story of Being Trapped in Italy Because of the Corona Virus Credit: Instagram/asmaraabigail - Italy is currently recorded as the country with the second highest number of corona virus cases after China. In order to overcome this disaster, the government has implemented a lock down, where all Italian citizens are prohibited from leaving their homes, except for going to shopping places. Even all concerts, sports events, or any form of entertainment for the public are canceled.

A surprising fact came from the beautiful actress and model Asmara Abigail. The star of the movie PEREMPUAN TANAH JAHANAM is currently trapped in Italy. Previously, she mentioned that her reason for going to Italy was for work.

Asmara mentioned that the government will implement this lock down until around April 3rd. Until then, Asmara is forced to stay in her apartment and cannot carry out her work for personal safety.

This woman, who will turn 28 years old, made 4 video recordings to tell about her condition and also the current situation in Italy. Let's watch it together..

1. Feeling Lucky

In the first video, Asmara tells how she witnessed the condition in Italy, from the time when the corona virus had not spread until suddenly the number of patients jumped to tens of thousands. Asmara still tries to take the positive side of her experience.

"Forza Italia. I feel lucky because I experienced this from the corona virus breakout until now the patients have exceeded 10 thousand. But with this experience, I can share it with my friends in Indonesia, hopefully everyone can self-quarantine and stay at home," said Asmara with teary eyes.

2. Explain the Lock Down Situation in Italy

In the second video, Asmara explains the steps taken by the Italian government to lock down the entire city in Italy to prevent the spread of the corona virus. The woman who is also a model explains that the number of deaths caused by this corona virus is actually very small.

"Here, the government is trying with all its might to fight this corona virus by locking down the whole country of Italy so that we are not allowed to leave the house except to go to the supermarket or pharmacy and keep a distance from other people at least 1 meter. Why self quarantine? Because actually this corona virus is not a deadly virus. Compared to SARS, the death rate of corona is 2%, while SARS is 8%, but this virus (corona) spreads very quickly," said Asmara.

Although the surge in the number of positive corona patients in Italy has skyrocketed, but now the number is slowly decreasing thanks to the steps taken by the government.

"So we can help the public health system, help doctors, help nurses so that they are already half dead working now because every day the surge in positive corona patients can reach 1500. But because we are in quarantine, everyone is at home, the surge of patients is now decreasing," she continued.

3. Give Tips to Avoid the Corona Virus

In the next video, Asmara gives some tips to prevent getting infected by the corona virus. Just like what has been emphasized before, Asmara suggests that everyone should regularly wash their hands and wear masks. However, according to her, there is one tip that is most important above all.

"According to me, the best tip is to avoid public places. Because everything here is already shut down, no matter what you mention, everything is shut down. Museums, concerts, everything, all streaming. Even places of worship like churches in Italy are closed, mosques in Iran are closed, everyone prays individually. Because places of worship are also areas where the spread of this corona virus is very easy. Of course, washing hands, using hand sanitizers, masks," Asmara explains.

"But actually, the best thing to do is to avoid public places. Even if we go to the supermarket, we can wear gloves that can be soaked after use, so they don't need to be thrown away, it can also be ecological. Then, if we need to go to the supermarket or public places, we should keep a minimum distance of 1 meter," she continues.

4. In Italy Since Before the Corona Virus Breakout

In the last video, Asmara mentioned that she has been in Italy since February 19, 2020. At that time, there were no signs that the corona virus would go crazy there.

Asmara herself flew to Italy to attend Milan Fashion Week. Then in March, she was also scheduled to fly to Amsterdam for the screening of her 2 films. But due to the crazy corona virus outbreak in Italy, all of Asmara's initial plans had to be canceled.

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A post shared by Asmara Abigail (@asmaraabigail) on Mar 11, 2020 at 8:31am PDT


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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