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Whulandary Herman Gives Birth to Second Child, Admits It's Not Easy to Go Through Labor During a Pandemic

Whulandary Herman Gives Birth to Second Child, Admits It's Not Easy to Go Through Labor During a Pandemic Whulandary Herman (credit: - Good news comes from former Putri Indonesia 2013, Whulandary Herman. Last Sunday (31/1), Whulan gave birth to her second child, a baby girl, in Malaysia.

"To our beloved family, good friends, and online siblings wherever you are, thank God our little daughter has been born safely. Thank you, Allah SWT, for giving us the most beautiful gift in our marriage," Whulan wrote in her Instagram story post.

"And thank you to everyone who has been part of our family's journey for your good prayers and support all this time. We love you," she added.


1. Not an Easy Task

Whulandary Herman acknowledges that going through the childbirth process in the midst of a pandemic is not easy. Many regulations must be adhered to in order to ensure the safety and comfort of both the mother and the baby.

"Giving birth during a pandemic is not easy. It is filled with various rules that are undoubtedly beneficial for the mother and the child," said Whulan.

2. Can Only Visit the Children's Room

After giving birth, Whulandary is unable to bring her little daughter to the nursery. She can only visit the children's room because the baby is only allowed to be there.

"Although the baby is not allowed to be brought to the room, parents who have undergone a COVID test can come and see their baby in the children's room. I always visit for 2 hours to entertain our daughter," she explained.

Once again, congratulations to Whulandary Herman on the birth of her second child!

3. Stay Disciplined with Health Protocols

KLovers, the pandemic is not over yet. It is still necessary to strictly adhere to health protocols wherever and whenever. #RememberMother'sMessage when engaging in activities. Start by wearing a mask, regularly washing hands with soap, and avoiding crowds. Stay safe!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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