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Fans Awaited, Ivan Gunawan and Ayu Ting Ting Will Perform a Duet on the Rising Star Indonesia Dangdut Stage

Fans Awaited, Ivan Gunawan and Ayu Ting Ting Will Perform a Duet on the Rising Star Indonesia Dangdut Stage Credit: Personal Documentation - Rising Star Indonesia Dangdut is a talent search event with a quite different concept. Yes, in each episode, an expert will be present to add tension and excitement. Because, experts will argue with each other in assessing the performances of the acts.

However, it's not just tension that can be felt, warmth can also be served, as seen between Ivan Gunawan and Ayu Ting Ting recently. Igun felt jealous when another expert made a song for Ayu.

Furthermore, in the next episode, Igun will also collaborate directly with Ayu. This is a request from netizens and finally realized on the Rising Star Indonesia Dangdut stage. In addition, Pasha also didn't want to be left behind and made a song for Ayu.

1. Experts in Rising Star Indonesia

Rising Star Indonesia Dangdut (RSID) is currently entering the live duel round. The acts who have passed the live audition round must show their abilities even better. Not only the voice, but also the appearance and stage act are not exempt from expert judgment.

Especially Master Igun, who is not hesitant to give negative judgments if the acts' performances are not captivating. Master Igun can change the acts' appearance on the magnificent stage of Rising Star Indonesia Dangdut. Next week, there are still experts Judika, Ayu Ting Ting, Ivan Gunawan, Pasha, and Nella Kharisma.

Make sure you don't miss watching Rising Star Indonesia Dangdut (RSID) hosted by Astrid Tiar and Indra Herlambang every Monday and Tuesday at 19:30 WIB.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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