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Motorcycle and iPhone 11 Pro Max Stolen by His Own Employee, Saipul Jamil: I Pray That He Gets a Good Job

Motorcycle and iPhone 11 Pro Max Stolen by His Own Employee, Saipul Jamil: I Pray That He Gets a Good Job Saipul Jamil becomes a victim of theft by his own employee © Herdianto - Valuable items belonging to dangdut singer Saipul Jamil in the form of an iPhone and a motorcycle that were taken away by his employee have finally been returned by the culprit. Although he doesn't know the reason why the culprit returned his belongings, Saipul Jamil, the ex-husband of Dewi Perssik, feels grateful that his sister's two cellphones and motorcycle have been returned.

"Alhamdulillah, luckily I was about to pray. I have three cellphones, this is the one I brought, and my wallet. The other two cellphones, I put them there, and one of my employee's cellphones was also taken," said Saipul Jamil at his residence in Pondok Gede on Monday (2/21).

"It's just funny that he was determined, he even took the charger. Alhamdulillah, his heart has softened, he wants to return them. And I pray that he gets a good job and doesn't do something like this again," added Saipul Jamil.

1. Just One Month of Work

Saipul Jamil said that the perpetrator who took away his brother's cellphone and motorcycle had only been working for one month. Although considered new, the 41-year-old dangdut singer already trusted the perpetrator.

"The perpetrator is indeed an intern, not from outside. Because they have been working with me for over a month. So the incident happened during Maghrib, me and the workers here, usually we pray together and so on," said Saipul Jamil.

"Indeed, I trust my workers too much, I never lock the room and he knows where my vehicles are located," he added.

2. Never Had a Problem

Saipul Jamil himself does not know the motive of his employee taking his brother's cellphone and motorcycle. Even though he had been working for one month, Saipul Jamil never had any problems with the perpetrator.

"I don't know what problem he had. In two days, he seemed to have evil intentions. I don't really bother to lock this and that. Maybe the thought of committing a crime crossed his mind," said Saipul Jamil.

3. Perpetrator Aware of the Situation at Home

"He knows, of course, he handles this house. He knows where and how the key is located. In a month, he already knows the situation. There are only six people in this house. My sister, her child, and me," added Saipul Jamil.

4. More Cautious

As a result of this incident, Saipul Jamil has become more cautious, especially when looking for employees to work in his house. This is done to avoid experiencing the same incident.

"Certainly, I have to be more selective. When I hire employees, their characteristics are that they are people who have been oppressed, they are poor. My intention is to help those in need," concluded Saipul Jamil.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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