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The Story of Duo Anggrek Personnel when Singing from Stage to Stage, Only Paid 15 Thousand - Money Taken Away

The Story of Duo Anggrek Personnel when Singing from Stage to Stage, Only Paid 15 Thousand - Money Taken Away © Herdianto - The struggle of the Duo Anggrek personnel to make their created works liked and sung by many people has paid off. The single Cikini Gondangdia released in 2015 suddenly went viral and played everywhere.

Devay and Putri, who are members of Duo Anggrek, certainly feel happy about that achievement. Various gig offers came one after another, and now many people know them.

Devay and Putri still remember clearly, their careers truly started from scratch until now they are reaping success. Both of them shared memories when they were just starting their careers as dangdut singers.

"If I'm from a family that does have an artistic lineage, but I'm the only singer in the family," said Putri while talking at the KapanLagi office, Gondangdia, Central Jakarta, Wednesday (22/5/2024).

"Since elementary school, I've started dancing, it was already clear that I liked the entertainment world, from stage to stage," Putri continued.

1. Money Taken Away

Both Putri and Devay still remember very well the payment when they first performed on stage. They were paid with a price below Rp 100 thousand rupiah.

"I got 50 thousand for the first time," said Putri. "As for me, 15 thousand," added Devay.

Putri recounted that there was a time when she was not paid after performing at an event. That was because the money she earned through her hard work was taken away by an irresponsible person.

"Sometimes we didn't get paid, the money was taken away by the players," Putri concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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